Doctor Levi x Nurse Reader (Modern Time) ~ Training

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{Requested by HeichouLin}

{[Modern Time]}

"I understand you're new to this job as a nurse, correct, Ms.(L/N)?" one of the doctors, Dr.Brewer, asked you. You nodded your head, afraid that you'd say something wrong if you spoke.

"It's alright if you're afraid, Ms.(L/N), you'll grow used to it soon." Dr.Brewer tried to reassure you. You took the job as a nurse that worked in the more dangerous part of the Infirmary, involving such things as heart transplants, heavy surgeries, and even brain transplants.

"How would you like to be the assistant for Dr.Ackerman, Ms.(L/N)?" Dr.Brewer asked you. "He doesn't have an assistant. Plus, he's great with showing the steps of what to do in case he needs to leave during mid-surgery."

"Where is he, exactly?" you finally said something.

"Room 23." Dr.Brewer told you before you began to head to that room. The Infirmary was always a place you enjoyed being in, and now that you were a nurse, you were able to be there for a long time. To add to that, you always had an interest in heavy medical situations, so being a nurse would give you the chance of seeing everything close-up.

Once you reached Room 23, you knocked and waited for a moment. The door opened and you were greeted by Dr.Ackerman. His appearance threw you off completely, but you were able to
recollect yourself before he noticed.

"You must be Ms.(L/N)." Dr.Ackerman said calmly as he let you walk in. He shut the door behind you and gave you a minute to admire the surroundings you'd soon get used to.

"You came just in time, Ms.(L/N)." Dr.Ackerman said as he flipped through the papers on his clipboard. "We're about to start a leg surgery. First off, I'd like to know your first name so I don't have to keep calling you Ms.(L/N)."

"It's (F/N), sir." you smiled gently.

"Very well, (F/N)." Dr.Ackerman looked away, still going through the papers on his clipboard. You were finally able to get a good look at him, and to be honest, it appealed to you more than you expected. His white overcoat draped over his dark grey pants and black button-up shirt. He wore a stethoscope around his neck, and you assumed it was just for looks at the moment, considering he was about to do leg surgery. He also wore a thin pair of glasses as his raven hair drifted over the edge slightly. His ice-blue eyes darted up to yours and you glanced away, realizing you were staring by accident.

"Is this your first time witnessing a surgery this close, (F/N)?" Dr.Ackerman asked. You looked back at him and nodded your head.

"Yes, sir." you said quickly.

"It's not as bad as others say it is. Mainly because they exaggerate." Dr.Ackerman explained. "As long as you don't let the smell of blood get to you, and as long as you aren't squeamish, this leg surgery shouldn't be too difficult."

After a moment of silence, Dr.Ackerman set his clipboard on a nearby counter and returned his attention to you. "Would you like a mask in case the smell does get to you?"

"I think I'll be alright, sir." you smiled gently.

"If you say so." Dr.Ackerman shrugged before he prepared himself for the surgery.


After a few hours, Dr.Ackerman was finally able to begin the leg surgery. He didn't explain much to you during the surgery, and he also didn't let you help very much. The only thing he let you do was retrieve any tools he couldn't reach from where he stood. Luckily, you were correct about not needing a mask, but it still sickened you a bit to see the amount of blood.

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