Levi x Injured (Dead) Reader ~ Soulmate

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{Requested by Naruto_girl}

Warning: OOC Levi(?)

"Corporal, where exactly are we going again?"

"Just another expedition, Cadet."

You finally gave up on asking where Levi was taking you. The two of you had went past the wall less than thirty minutes ago, but what confused you was that you were the only one Levi decided to bring. You were honestly afraid of what could happen for multiple reasons. For one, there were only two of you, and even though the both of you were surprisingly equally as skilled, there's still a good chance you could die at the hands of a nearby titan. Another reason you were afraid was because Levi seemed more aggitated than usual. Your mind had come up with terrible and impossible assumptions around execution, but these were only side thoughts.

If you had to be honest with yourself, you had a large crush on the Corporal. But, being the shy and nontalkative person in these kinds of situations, you always panicked and hung out with Eren, since you were too afraid to be around the Corporal without messing up somehow. You knew Eren didn't mind messing up around him once in a while, so he was able to get closer to the Corporal than you were able to, giving you a chance to learn about Levi from afar.

At the moment, it was kind of peaceful, riding through grassy meadows on your horse. These kinds of expeditions were able to give you a better perspective on how beautiful and amazing the outside world was without titans around to destroy the smooth meadows.

"It's really peaceful out here, don't you think, Corporal?" you asked, breaking the awkward silence between the two of you.

"Don't let your guard down yet, Cadet (L/N). A titan could show up at any moment." Levi said inmediately after you finished talking.

"I'm just saying, it's really nice being in the outside world without having to deal with them for a while."

Levi didn't respond after that and you lowered your eyelids disappointedly. I wonder what he's so aggitated about, you thought.

"Corporal, something seems to be irritating you. Might I ask what it is?" you almost stuttered, afraid of his response. Levi hesitated to answer this time.

"Quit being a suicidal bastard, Cadet." he sighed. Your eyes widened a bit before you averted your gaze away. Levi noticed your change in attitude after his retort and sighed again.

"I apologize for that." he said quietly, making you look back at him confusedly. "I'm aware of how easily you change emotions, and I took that as an advantage. Sorry."

"I just shouldn't have asked, sir, it's alright." you said casually.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by a large thud. The two of you stopped your horses and looked toward where the thud was heard from. By pure coincedence, you never noticed the humongous forest until now.

"Do you think that was a...?" you couldn't bring yourself to finish the question. Less than moments after, a titan bursted through the trees, making the entire ground below you tremble. You fell off your horse but luckily landed on your feet. Levi hopped off his horse and the two horses ran away in fear of the tremondous monster. You and Levi pulled out your swords and looked at each other.

"You know what to do, Cadet (L/N)." Levi said over the trembling ground. You responded with a nod and the two of you jumped into action.

You switched to your vertical manuevering gear and flew your way up to the titan's neck. You honestly loved doing this, feeling the wind rush past you, but you felt as though now wasn't the time to enjoy it. You wanted to impress Levi, so you remained serious throughout the fight.

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