Sick Levi x Reader ~ Infectious

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{Requested by warmushrooms}


You jolted awake, only to hear the familiar voice of your companion, Mikasa. She had a slightly tight grip on your shoulder, and she looked a bit concerned.

"(F/N), wake up." she said, unaware of your open eyelids. She locked eyes with you and let go of your shoulder.

"Is something wrong, Mikasa?" you asked tiredly as you sat up in bed. You weren't exactly the kind to be grumpy after being woken up like this. In fact, you appreciated when others came to wake you up, for some reason.

"I could hear you mumbling in your sleep through the door, is everything alright?" she asked. Rubbing your eyes, you smiled gently and averted your gaze.

"Probably just another ridiculous dream I'll remember later today. Nothing to worry about, Mikasa." you said, stepping out of bed. Mikasa motioned herself out of your way as you took a moment to regain your balance.

"Was that the only reason you woke me up, Mikasa?" you asked. "Did anything important happen while I was passed out?"

"Well, actually, I was supposed to wake you up because you were put in charge of something." Mikasa explained to you. "It's not what you think it is, either."

"I guess my chances of becoming a Corporal will never come true." you thought aloud, followed by a small giggle. "Anyway, what was I put in charge of?"

"You're in charge of taking care of Corporal Rivaille. He's come down with a sickness earlier today and he's not able to get out of bed. Since you're always the last one out of bed, he put you in charge as a sort of punishment, I presume."

The sound of the Corporal's name brought a light hue to your cheeks, but being put in charge of him while he was sick only caused your hue to grow a darker shade of pink. Ever since you met him, all you've wanted to do was try to get close with him, and this seemed to be the perfect advantage. I guess sleeping in was a good thing, today, you thought to yourself.

"He said for you to get changed to your uniform and be at his bedroom in the next five minutes, or he'll make you do laps again." Mikasa mentioned before leaving. "The rest of us have to go on an expedition, today, so I wish the best of luck to you, (F/N)."

You quickly hopped into your regular uniform and sprinted to Rivaille's, or Levi's, bedroom as fast as possible. You paused for a moment just outside his door to catch your breath. Holding the breath you could take in, you knocked on the door twice.

"It's unlocked, (F/N)." a familiar but rather scratchy voice groaned from the other side. Growing concerned quickly, you opened the door quicker than you expected. Your eyes widened until they hurt at the sight before you.

Levi sat up in bed, his hair still a mess from sleeping and his eyes carrying dark circles underneath them. He still wore his bedshirt and kept his blankets over the rest of his body, but it seemed as though he was unaware of his left sleeve slipping down his arm, revealing his left shoulder a bit. His skin appeared more pale than usual, so it was quite obvious that he was sick.

"I was told that I was put in charge of taking care of you today, Corporal." you were somehow able to say clearly without stuttering, although you were internally screaming at how appealing Levi appeared to you. Ignoring the heat growing from your cheeks and spreading like wildfire, you stepped toward him while he read a book.

"Yes, (F/N), but there are conditions." Levi said as he shut his book. "I'm old enough to take care of normal actions by myself, I don't need everything done for me like I'm a child."

Levi x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now