Levi x Injured Reader ~ Painful Tension

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{Requested by warmushrooms}


I had absolutely nothing to do, so I wrote all this in one night. XD I hope it's as good as I think it is.



"(F/N), are you sure you're okay?"

After an intense battle with yet another titan, you had been thrown to a wall, causing a few bones to snap. One of your teammates that survived without any injuries asked you this question a few times and finally stopped after each answer became a simple nod.

"I promise I'm fine." you told them reassuringly, the pain in your left arm making it go numb. You weren't bleeding and no bones were ripping through your flesh, but you knew something wasn't right when you tried shrugging the first time you were asked if you were okay.

Everyone returned to their squads and their rooms, giving you plenty of time to stay behind so you wouldn't be constantly asked if you were okay. It honestly annoyed you a bit at this point, but you felt flattered because it meant that your squad members cared about you.

You suddenly felt a large pain in your right shin. Your reflexes kicked in a little too late as you tripped over your own feet and fell to the floor. A yelp of pain escaped your lips as pain now shot throughout your entire body. Before you had a chance to help yourself up, a foot stood right in front of your face. You predicted who it was and glanced up, getting your prediction proven.

"What do you think you're doing, Cadet (L/N)?" your Corporal, Levi, asked you. "This isn't your room, so stop sleeping on the floor and get up."

You hesitated to get up. You flinched violently as you used your left arm to get up. Once you were up, you felt a hand at your left shoulder, causing you to hold in screams. You looked at Levi, who sighed silently.

"Did you go to the Infirmary after the fight, (F/N)?" Levi asked you. You felt your cheeks heat up at the sound of his voice uttering your first name and you averted your gaze away nervously.

"N-No, sir." you stated. You suddenly felt the arm on your shoulder move down to your forearm. As Levi examined your broken arm, your cheeks grew hotter and hotter with each passing second. You winced and yelped in pain quietly with each touch. Unaware of how much this pleased Levi somehow, you finally yanked your arm away and tried walking away, only to trip over your own feet again and hit your face against the floor.

"(F/N), quit trying to deny the fact that your arm's broken." Levi muttered irritably. Before you had a chance to respond, you felt arms go around your waist, causing you to shut your mouth and hide your face in embarrassment. Levi began carrying you bridal style to the Infirmary and you unconciously burried your face into his chest, taking in his fresh scent. Your actions only caused Levi to grow more irritated, but for some reason, your actions pleased Levi greatly.

"I swear, you need to stop being so independent, (F/N)." Levi muttered. "I've known you long enough to know you're too damn independent, and this is obviously not one of those times to act like that."

"I know that, sir." you said into the fabric of his jacket. "I...probably should've come here earlier. I apologize for making you do this, I must be a huge bother right now."

Levi didn't say anything for a moment before glancing down at you. "You're not being a bother, it just annoys me that you didn't report to me about your injuries sooner."

You froze and tried not to look up. Why was he saying this to you? Of course you're being a bother, Levi could've just pretended you weren't there and went to his room with no problem, so it just now hit you that this isn't what he normally does with other squad members. Your cheeks burned endlessly as millions of thoughts raced through your mind. Could he like you the way you like him? You've been in his squad for years now, and when you first met him, you knew you'd end up with a crush on him.

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