Levi x Coffee Shop Employee Reader (Modern Time) ~ Caring

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{Requested by LittleLordessLight}

Note: I'm back, guys~!

So, school's started for me, so it can kind of explain why I took a while for this one. It also might be because I work on this late at night and I just so happen to go into a deep depression late at night. I felt like I've lost all inspiration and motivation to do anythingfor a while.

So...yeah. Nonetheless, I'll still try my best to keep this series going for you guys. I'm really sorry for blaming my feelings for my delays, but I'll try to keep everything going.

Anyway, thank you for 200 thousand reads (again, delays, I know it's been over 200k for quite some time. We're approaching 300k as well! Yay!). It wasn't very long between the milestone of 100k reads and 200k reads, so it means a lot that my story is growing so quickly. Despite how depressed I was, I'm still grateful for those that patiently wait for me to update.

Now I know this one might seem cliché and possibly overused, but I'll try to make it unique for you guys, as an apology for my delay. Also, since someone who can't even drink coffee without gagging on it is writing this, I apologize.

"What can I get for you, ma'am?"

"Just a normal espresso, please."

You nodded your head and turned to make an espresso. This was your regular routine, turning from the counter to the many coffee machines behind you so you could make the orders.

You've become accustomed to doing this since you've been working here for a few months by now. In return, you didn't get the money needed for a luxury home, but enough to keep your life decently balanced. Sometimes you wished you'd get a bit of a raise for having to put up with who you were working with, but sadly that wasn't part of the policy.

"Hanji, we need more cream!" You exclaimed, and in moments, the familiar face of your coworker popped up from where she was working. With a bright smile on her features, she was gone in a flash.

"She must really enjoy working here, huh?" The same woman who ordered an espresso grinned. You returned a small smile as you waited.

"Yeah, mainly because she likes to work with me for some reason."

"Well, you do seem nice."

Silence passed before Hanji practically sprinted at you, cream in her hand. You yelped before she glomped you, but luckily you were strong enough to not fall over at the sudden contact. Once Hanji pulled away, she handed you the cream and began talking with the lady.

Although you thought Hanji was a good coworker and friend, there certainly were times where you weren't in the mood to dealing with her happy-go-lucky attitude. Today was not one of those days; today felt more different than anything, like you were expecting something to happen, but you weren't sure what it'd be.

"Here you go, ma'am." You smiled gently. Once the payment was taken care of, the next customer approached the counter.

At that moment, your theory about something happening came to life. There, a rather short man stood, wearing a quite formal grey jacket with a white button-up shirt. His black locks fell just above his piercing blue eyes, which appeared as though the man was rather ticked off. Somehow, this created the perfect image that caused you to freeze for a moment.

"I'll just have a regular latté." The man stated. You felt your cheeks grow hot at how deep and monotone his voice was.

"Hey Levi!"

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