Drunk Levi x Reader ~ Drunk Fun

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"Goodnight, guys." you murmered to your fellow teammates before leaving to your bedroom. You shut the door and took a moment to enjoy the pure silence filling the room. You enjoyed sound, but it was relieving to be in complete silence once in a while. You removed your jacket and changed into your night clothes. Once you finished, you climbed into bed and pulled the sheets over your face, desperate to fall asleep soon. You weren't sure why you wanted to fall asleep quickly, but the determination inside you didn't stop you from doing so.

Before you could drift off to sleep, you were woken up by rather loud noises. You tilted your head to the door, questioning who was causing the commotion. You assumed it was one of the cadets wandering around and turned to sleep again, knowing that your Corporal, Levi, would probably take care of the situation. Another large boom made you jolt out of bed and look at the door worringly. Is someone having a night terror? you questioned yourself. Stepping out of bed as quietly as possible, you decided to figure out what the cause of the noises were. You quietly opened your bedroom door and peeked out. After seeing no one nearby, you stepped out of your room, only to flinch after another large boom occured. You were able to identify what the cause of the noise could be, and it sounded as if someone was hitting the wall. You followed the small grunts made afterwards and found yourself at the doorway to the kitchen. As you peeked around the doorway, you finally saw the cause of the hitting.

Your Corporal, Levi, was completely drunk and hitting his head against the wall. It took you completely by surprise, mainly because you didn't know Levi drank in the first place. He didn't notice your presence until you approached him cautiously. He turned his head to you, and you almost gasped at his appearance. His forehead trickled with blood from hitting his head too hard against the wall.

"L-Levi, what the hell are you doing?!" you whispered loudly. Suddenly, Levi put his left hand on your shoulder, and his right hand to your already pink cheeks, causing them to grow to an almost deep crimson.

"Shh, just go back to bed, (F/N)...I'll be alright." he muttered, his alcohol-stained breath toxicating your nose. You coughed quietly and manuevered your way out of his arms, putting yours around his shoulders.

"Come on, I'm gonna take care of your forehead." you told him. Levi didn't protest, but instead tripped on his own feet. You could tell he still had slight self-control, since he fell to the floor first as he accidently pulled you down with him. You gulped down the yelp of pain once you fell because you accidently but instinctively used your hands to save yourself from the fall. Before you realized it, you were hovering over your Corporal, your legs between his. You jumped off him quickly, your cheeks burning red. Levi helped himself up before leaning most of his weight on you, again. Instead of putting up with what just happened another time, you quickly grabbed ahold of his thighs and pulled him onto your back. The sudden frontward-piggy-back ride confused the drunk man at first, but he soon accepted it and put his arms around your neck.

While you carried Levi to the Infirmary, you expected him to come up with some sort of retort, since that's what he always did in situations such as this. But with the short man completely drunk, you didn't know what to expect, at this point. You winced when you felt a gentle touch at your neck, but realized it was just Levi breathing on you. The feeling of his breath on your neck made you shiver and blush, but you quickly returned to the task at hand. Now's not the time to have sexual tension, you reminded yourself, your Corporal's bleeding from the forehead while completely drunk.

You soon found the Infirmary and carried Levi inside. Luckily, no one was to be seen except the two of you. You struggled to set him down, but once you did, you realized he still wouldn't stop leaning all his weight on you. Flusteredly, you push Levi back and leaned him against the wall. "Don't hit your head again, okay?" you ordered him. You suddenly felt a hand grab your arm tightly as Levi gave you a cold stare.

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