Mafia Levi x Slave Reader (Modern Time) ~ Debt & Betrayal

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{Requested by WafflezYami}

Warning: Many feels ahead. This does not have the usual sweet ending like the others. *hands tissues* Be careful and good luck.

{[Modern Time]}

"Hey, wake up."

You felt something nudge you a bit forcefully and your eyelids fluttered open. You didn't feel refreshed from sleeping. In fact, all you could feel once your senses came back was pain and numbness.

" I?" you asked weakly, tasting blood in the back of your throat. When you looked up, you were able to somewhat recognize your surroundings. Suddenly, you started to remember everything.

"Help me!"

You screamed and cried for help, but to no avail. The man hovering over you had already removed all your clothing and was about to take your innocence away, but before he could enter you, you shut your eyes and hoped for the best.

In a matter of seconds, you heard a gunshot and a thump. Confused, you looked to see that the man that was about to rape you was now dead, a hole on the side of his head.

"Wha..." you choked on your own words. At the moment, you only felt fear and relief. Glancing over to the door to the motel room, you saw a rather short man wearing a cream-white tuxedo with black loafers. He also wore a cravat of the same color as his tux. He had raven hair that slightly banged over his furrowed and ice blue eyes, which were aimed at you. You took a moment to realize you were still exposed.

"Be lucky I decided to save your ass." the man said, his voice low and a bit scratchy. "By the way, you're in a hell of a lot of debt now."

"Who...Who are you?" you asked, grabbing a nearby bed sheet and covering a decent amount of your body with it.

"What, I don't get a thank you at least?" the man clicked his tongue. "Maybe I shouldn't have saved you."

"Sorry... Thank you." you sighed. "C-Could you tell me who you are now?"

"Names will be sorted out later when I'm sure you won't have any sources to report me to." the man said as he made his way to you. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it, puffing out smoke in the process.

"Why should I report you? You saved me from being raped."

Meanwhile, the man made his way over to the body and pulled out a pocket knife. He knelt down to do something, but you couldn't see what it was. When the man was done, he put his knife away and returned his attention to you.

The man chuckled a bit before making his way to you again. "Oh, that's not what I mean, sweetheart. For now, I'll just take you back and we'll sort things out there."

The man grabbed you and dragged you out to his car. You didn't bother to argue, since you've already been through enough that day.

When the man dragged you into an unfamiliar building, he threw you to a few men who were also unfamiliar to you. All you remember was that one had brown hair that kind of split down the middle, one had blond hair on top of dark hair in the back, and another had barely any hair, except it was kind of grey.

"Make sure she falls asleep fast." the raven-haired man said to the trio. "I don't want her putting up any sort of fight once she realizes who we are."

The next thing you knew, everything went black as you felt a huge force hit you in the face.

Looking around again, you realized that you were on the floor, practically exactly where you stood before the trio from before decided to knock you unconcious. You felt something nudge you again and you looked to see four familiar people. The raven-haired man that saved you was nudging you in the back with his foot, while the trio from before was standing a small distance behind him.

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