Teacher Levi x Reader (Modern Time) ~ Improvement

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{Requested by VictorieMeza}


I found this kind of ironic because from what I know, Levi seems to be a terrible artist XD

{[Modern Time]}

"And that concludes today's lesson."

You snapped back to reality and shook your head a bit. Dammit, I drifted off during class again, you thought. The sound of the bell for next hour went off and you got up from your table, swinging your bag over your shoulder. Before any of the students could leave, the teacher, Mr.Ackerman, stopped all of you for a moment.

"Remember to study for tomorrow's test!" he announced. "Tomorrow's test counts for 50 percent of your final grade!"

Holy shit, how am I supposed to be able to pass a test with that kind of stress on me?! you thought as you left class. You glance back one more time before walking down the hallway to your last class for the day.

I never thought I'd develop a crush on a teacher, but how is a teacher even able to look that hot...it's unfair.

You let out a heavy sigh and sat yourself down once you got to your next class. The school you went to had a free hour at the end of the school day, and Mr.Ackerman's was the last class before this free hour, which always left you an hour to do whatever you wanted. You took a sketchpad out of your bag and flipped it to an empty page. Tapping the eraser of your pencil on the paper, you tried to think about what you could draw.

It was a bit odd, but Mr.Ackerman was actually your art teacher. In an act to try and impress him, you tried to get more skillful with your artistic abilities, and it worked out quite well. But with a test coming up tomorrow, you questioned whether it would be a multiple choice test or an actual project.

Glancing around, you tried to think of what to draw to take your mind off the pressure of tomorrow's test. Not only did it pressure you because you wanted a high grade, but it also pressured you because you really wanted to impress Mr.Ackerman.

Fuck, I'm getting a headache, you thought. You started to distract yourself by doing an outline of your favorite animal. Soon after you began, the sound of other students' voices were slowly drowned by the sound of your pencil scratching away on your sketchpad. You drew away on the paper, making sure to add any details to your favorite animal as much as possible. Once you were done, you set the pencil down and began using your thumb to form any shading. After the shading was done, you licked your thumb and wiped it on your jeans to get rid of the led that faded onto your thumb.

"Wow! Your drawing skills have gotten awesome, (F/N)!"

You jumped when you heard a familiar voice. Turning your head, you saw your friend, Hanji, sitting in the desk next to yours. She stared in awe at the picture you drew.

"Thanks, Hanji." you smiled.

"Let me guess, you're trying to improve your drawing skills to impress the shorty, huh?"

"Huh?!" you quickly began to grow flustered as you turned back to your sketchpad, your face quickly beginning to burn. Hanji let out a laugh and patted you on the back.

"Don't worry, it's alright if you like him." Hanji reassured you. "I'm sure it'll go away at some point."

"That's the problem, I don't think it'll go away, Hanji." you groaned. "I didn't tell you how long I've had this crush on him, but...I've had it ever since I first met him."

"Really?!" Hanji exclaimed. "Maybe it's true love then, even if it's on a teacher!"

"Shut up!" you blurted out as Hanji started to laugh. "People will start to question who we're talking about!"

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