Levi x Chubby Reader ~ Insecurities

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{Requested by alyssiarose143}

It was a regular night. Everyone was already in their rooms, while you, on the other hand, were still awake. You gazed at yourself in a mirror you kept next to your wardrobe, keeping your eyes locked on the pudgy skin on your stomach. You let out a small sigh, quickly wiping away a tear that threatened to spill.

You jumped when you heard knocking at the door. After giving permission to let the person in, you realized it was your closest female friend, Mikasa, who was in her night clothes like you were.

"Oh, hey Mikasa." you smiled, as if what just happened didn't happen.

"You were staring at yourself in the mirror again, weren't you?" she asked quietly. Your smile faded and you sighed again.

"Yeah. I just can't get over the fact that I can't get rid of this." you said as you poked your tummy. "It may sound ridiculous, but I think this is the reason I have doubts that the Corporal won't return my feelings for him."

You had already told Mikasa about your feelings for the Corporal, Levi, a while back, so it wasn't a surprise that you'd bring him up. It was a self-esteem issue you had, and your stomach was the only thing keeping you from just coming out and admitting your feelings for him. In fact, you were practically chubby all over, yet no one but you ever had a problem with it.

"Listen, (F/N)," Mikasa said, making you look away from your stomach.

"You may be concerned about your appearance, but to be honest, no one has a problem with it except yourself. I know you want to impress the Captain, so the first part is to stop worrying about it. It might annoy him if you point out your appearance."

Mikasa stepped to you and patted your shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm sure things will go well." she reassured you before leaving to her room.

Letting out another sigh, you thought about what Mikasa said and went to bed, tired of stressing out about this.

{[The Next Day]}

You suddenly jolted awake from the sound of banging. Sitting upright, you realized someone was heavily knocking on your bedroom door. They opened it before you had a chance to open it.

"Cadet (L/N)," you heard a familiar voice growl, "why the hell didn't you answer the door?"

"S-Sorry, sir!" you stuttered. "I didn't get very much sleep last night..."

Levi glared at you for a moment as you averted your gaze in embarrassment. "Very well." he stated before turning away. "Cleaning duty for two weeks."

"Y-Yes sir." you responded. Levi headed to the kitchen and you changed to your cleaning clothes. They were like Levi's cleaning clothes, with the white cloth used to cover your mouth while another was on your head.

Sighing, you headed to the kitchen as well, only to realize that everyone was already gone. "Where is everyone?" you asked, not particularly to anyone.

"They all left for an expedition."

You flinched and turned to see Levi, now clad in his cleaning clothes. The sight made you blush a little.

"It's not important enough for me to go, so I decided to stay and make sure you actually clean everything right." Levi said. "Now, I'll clean the kitchen. For now, you'll just take care of my office, understand?"

"Yes sir." you nodded once before heading to Levi's office.

As you started cleaning, you couldn't help but glance over to every object that could make a reflection of yourself. Every time you looked, all you could see was the body that made you insecure in the first place; the body that made you think you'd never have a chance of having the Corporal return his feelings for you.

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