Chapter Twelve

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Throwing on some of my clothes, I ran to the door, yelling for the person to calm down. I was confused and surprised when I saw both Jennifer and Jasmine standing there, looking agitated.

"We'd been knocking on the door for forever. What the hell were you doing?!" Jennifer yelled, until her eyes roamed over my body, probably giving the answer to her own question.

"I think I know what she was doing," Jasmine smirked, raising a suggestive eyebrow, whilst I stayed silent.

Shaking her head, Jennifer barged past me into my house, with Jasmine on her tail.

"Why don't you guys come on inside," I replied sarcastically, closing the door after them.

"What do you guys want to say, that's so important, that you wanted to smash my door down?" I questioned, plating my hair into two separate braids, to keep the hair out of my face.

"We're here to talk about someone important, but I think we need to go somewhere a little more private," Jasmine answered, glancing at Trevor who was coming out of the bedroom without a shirt on.

"If you'd like to put some clothes on please." I suggested, watching a playful smirk appear on his lips.

"Anything for you Mel," Trevor replied, winking at the girls behind me, who rolled their eyes.

"So what did you want to talk to me about again?" I asked, forgetting the reason for their company.

"We wanted to talk about how you couldn't tell us that 'someone' tried to come onto to you!" Jennifer whispered

"Why are we whispering? And Mel are you happy now?" Trevor questioned, now back inside the living room with a shirt on.

"Yes she's happy and we're whispering because we're waiting for you to leave." Jennifer answered bluntly.

"You know you love me really," Trevor joked

"If you say so," Jennifer shrugged, looking bored.

"Do you know what? How about I leave you so that you can have some girl time. I'll call you later." Trevor informed me, giving me a long goodbye kiss, which literally left me breathless.

"Don't let the door hit you on your way out," Jennifer shouted after him, as he held up his middle finger and slammed the front door shut.

"So...," I began

“In fact lets go and have some dinner. There’s actually a lot we want to talk about,” Jasmine stated, standing up and heading towards the door.

“I can’t leave like this. Give me a minute.” I insisted, running to my room. I brushed my hair and placed it into a high ponytail before plaiting it again. Needing a rubber band to keep the plait in place, I searched my room, finding none and then rummaged through my bag finding the luminous yellow rubber band that Stephen had slipped into my pocket two months ago. Smiling slightly, I wore it on the end of my plait, wondering if he’d appear; hoping, stupidly.

Throwing on my one and only, yet favourite furry coat, I threw on my black ballet flats and with my bag in my hand, followed the girls out of my house.

“That reminds me of the rubber band that you used to wear in college all the time. I remember you said that whenever you wore it Stephen would always magically appear.” Jennifer reminisced as she drove us to a restaurant.

“And funnily enough, he weirdly did.” Jasmine finished, chuckling as well.

“I remember that time he played a trick on us, pretending the he had broken his ankle.” Jennifer added

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