Chapter Twenty

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The rest of my lunch seemed blurred as I tried to wrap my heard around what I had been asked by Stephen. I now understood what it felt like when I left him with an ultimatum, except his one was worse. I didn’t even understand why I was thinking or even considering it. I could never leave Trevor for the likes of a vampire. Trevor was the love of my life, the man that looked after and cared for me and would never do anything to hurt me unlike Stephen who we already knew about.

Work went by quickly as usual and I couldn’t wait to get home. Finding Trevor lying down on my couch was a great surprise as well.

“Hey baby,” Trevor cooed moving only his head in my direction as his sea blue eyes were brightened by his smile.

“Hey,” I drawled feeling exhausted. Dropping my bag on the floor and taking my coat off, I collapsed into his side, snuggling close to him as I remembered what it felt like to be close to a guy that was warm blooded, or should I say human. 

“I guess work was stressful then,” Trevor guessed correctly, nuzzling his chin in my hair comfortingly.

“Yep. I just want to sleep right next to you until our wedding day,” I yawned feeling my eyes fluttering closed.

“I wish that we could do that too,” Trevor agreed.

- - - - - - - - - -

“Stephen, where are you taking me?” I questioned beginning to panic as he led me into only God knows where.

“Somewhere,” Stephen mumbled a smirk evident on his lips. I knew him so well that I could tell when he was smirking without looking at him. He had randomly invited me on a date earlier today and here I was, being led somewhere outside, in the night time.

“Well can we hurry up please because I’m hungry,” I complained hearing him laugh.

“I doubt that you’re as hungry as me,” I heard him mutter underneath his breath.

“Whatever,” I retorted, rolling my eyes internally.

“Were here now,” Stephen’s gruff voice informed me, removing his cool hands from my eyes, however staying close behind me making me smile slightly. Opening my eyes I instantly recognised that we were in the middle of nowhere, or some sort of forest. This wasn’t mainly what had caught my attention, instead it was the neat black cover on the floor with a picnic basket in the centre, surrounded by lavender scented candles which I couldn’t understand how I hadn’t smelt them before.

“You didn’t do this all yourself did you?” I gasped in disbelief, it was beautiful.

“Obviously not, the girls helped me out a little bit.” Stephen answered honestly earning a smack in the stomach as I giggled at his honesty.

“Hey, I was just telling you the truth,” Stephen defended. With a grin, I spun around to face my boyfriend who was staring at me weirdly.

“Are you okay?” I frowned.

“I’m fine, you just haven’t said what you think about it,” Stephen continued to stare, looking slightly fascinated and concerned at the same time.

“Oh. It’s beautiful! Thank you very much,” I smiled, looking at the ground shyly.

“Well then your very welcome,” Stephen smiled pulling my chin up to face him before placing his lips softly on mine, my body igniting in heat only for a second as my lips were left tingling as i was entranced by his black eyes once again.

“Well let’s enjoy this and by the way, have you looked up?” Stephen smirked, which confused me slightly.

“Looked up...” I wondered, doing as he suggested instantly taking in the remarkable and stunning stars which literally took my breath away.

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