Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Can I just get a coffee please?" I asked the waitress who politely smiled and took down my order before turning her attention to Officer Danny. I noticed the way she stared at him longer than was needed and realised that she liked him. I wonder whether when I was with Stephen if I looked like that, or even worse…head over heels in love with him. My heart clenched as I thought about our argument. Had I really told him that 'maybe that's how it's got to be?' Of course it didn’t have to be that way!

Frustrated with myself I sighed and closed my eyes as the whole argument replayed again in my head. Remembering how close he had been to kissing me, I felt my whole body warm up once again until Trevor's eyes sneaked into my mind causing me to instantly open them. Chocolate brown eyes stared into mine in fascination and I couldn’t hold his gaze. I had totally forgotten where I was at that moment.

"Sorry, I'm just a bit tired," I commented.

"No problem, I just thought that you might want to get out of your house for a while and be with someone out of the usual," Danny shrugged, his stare burning into my skin.

"Thanks," I muttered, not sure exactly what to say. Of course I was not ready to be with anyone out of the usual, especially a man and especially since I didn’t know who anyone truly was anymore. I guessed that he was just trying to be kind.

"Your welcome," he smiled just as our order was delivered to our table. Either the diner had very fast service or I had been daydreaming for a long time with Officer Danny staring at me. I hoped that it was the first option otherwise I would be slightly frightened.

"Thanks," I repeated to the waitress, picking up the warm coffee. Drinking it slowly, I kept my eyes on the table as the heart burned my throat, warming my insides but seeming to miss my heart. I had to forget about everything as hard as it all was and get on with my life, even if that meant staying away from my home for as long as possible.

"Thanks for the coffee," I once again thanked him as we left the dinner.

A week later, I had moved in with Jasmine who allowed me to stay with both her and Danny for as long as I needed. When they had heard what Trevor tried to do, Danny attempted to leave the house to kill him, since he thought that he didn’t deserve to live anymore and I had to stop him without Jasmine's help as she believed the same thing. Violence hadn’t gotten me anywhere in life so why would it start to now? How would Trevor being dead have helped me any way? If anything, I would have probably grieved his death since my love for him was still there.

"Melanie, remember that a representative from Carlson and Zane is coming to completely finalise the deal. They should be here in around half an hour," Cynthia reminded me, making my heart begin to hammer against my chest. I had hoped that it would be Stephen but I instantly pushed that idea to the back of my mind. It was a stupid thought.

"Melanie can I speak to you for a minute please?" I heard Jessica mumble as she stood uncomfortably beside me.

"Sure," I shrugged, emotionlessly. Her eyes held mine for a second, as if she was searching for something but for the past week, I had noticed that there was no more emotion left inside me. I was a deep gaping whole that was just getting deeper and deeper. Leading her into my office, she closed the door before beginning to speak.

"I want to apologise for everything that happened. I am so sorry for how everything turned out. It was a huge mistake and I have no idea why I did it. It may have been because I couldn’t believe that he was getting married and would finally off the market and I wasn’t ready for that. You must understand how I would have felt! If Stephen was going to marry one of your good friends, like Jennifer, you would know how I felt!" Jessica tried to justify.

"Do not try and turn this around on me. If Stephen was going to marry Jennifer, I would be happy for them. As much as I love him, I wouldn’t sleep with him simply because he was with one of my close friend. I would take that into consideration," I retorted, since we were not on the same level. I was much higher than her simply because I would never do that to anyone and she had to know that.

"I'm sorry but your not in that situation so you might not believe that you would do that since I didn’t know that I would do that and I'm sure that it tells you something about the man that you were marrying as well ---," Jessica began making me even angrier.

"Is this your idea of an apology? If it is I forgive you but don’t ever and I mean ever, expect us to be friends again. Okay Jessica? Now I have to get back to work and I suggest that you do the same. Good day," I finished, opening my office door so that she could leave. On doing so a man in a suit stood in shock.

"I'm from Carlson and Zane." he informed me, seeming more confident as he straightened himself up, allowing me to guess that he was just about to knock on my office door. Why Cynthia hadn’t buzzed my phone to tell me that he had arrived early seemed to get to me.

"Of course, I'll only be a second," I stated, moving out of the way so that he could enter my office as my heart shrunk slightly.

"What happened to you Melanie?" Jessica whispered, her eyes holding the look of deceit, which should have been in mine.

"I learned that life was unfair, the hard way," I replied, closing the door in her face.

The conversation seemed to drag on and I became tired very quickly. When work was over, I went straight to Jasmine's house and wasn’t happy when I saw who was there.

"I want to talk," Robert stated, without as much as a hello as I glared at Jasmine.

"He wanted to talk to you," Jasmine repeated.

"I just heard him say that," I scoffed, far from impressed.

"If you've come here to apologise, I don’t want to hear it until you mean it," I set him straight as his blue eyes stared blankly into mine, which I was sure reflected the same thing. Walking past him, brushing his shoulder softly, I headed towards the guest room just as someone knocked on the door.

"No, I'm not here to apologise because I did already. It's about Stephen," Robert told me causing me to stop in my tracks. What was wrong with Stephen?

"Melanie, it's a police officer called Officer Danny here to see you," Jasmine yelled at the same time. What and how did he know that I was here?

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