Chapter Seventeen

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As his teeth sunk through my thin layer of skin, I prepared myself for the new, brilliant feeling that I would feel in seconds to come. With one hand around my neck, pulling it closer to him, also allowing his teeth to sink in further, his other hand rested around my waist pulling me into him. As the pain in my neck subsided and the pleasure began to take it toll on my body, I tried to restrain my hands and stop myself from moaning in ecstasy whilst I allowed my squeezed shut eyes to relax.

It seemed as if Stephen was taking longer than last time to kill his thirst making the seconds feel as though they were days.

"Hurry up please," I breathed, which only seemed to make him pull me closer. Even though my body felt weak and I was beginning to loose feeling of it, the tingles and heat seemed to seep through my skin, heating it up as my heart weakly pumped blood faster in my chest. My hands finally decided to do as they pleased, placing themselves on Stephen's thin, hard chest causing them to burn in want and desire to feel what was underneath the fabric of clothing. They slowly moved further and further towards the belt of his trousers and as they gripped them tightly, a much needed breath and moan escaped from my lips just as Stephen, as though coming to his senses, ferociously ripped his teeth from my neck causing me to ultimately pass out.

The fierce hammering against a door seemed to awaken me as I inhaled a much needed breath. My body still felt somewhat weak, however not as bad as before. Opening my heavy eyelids, I glanced around to see where I was laying and realised that I was once again on Stephen's bed, in his room, which was surprising clean compared to his living room and kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I faintly heard Stephen ask in the other room, allowing me to guess that the hammering was actually someone knocking on his door.

"I'm here to tell you something that I believe you really need to hear," Trevor replied, which let me to repeat the question; what was he doing here?

"And what might that be?" Stephen questioned almost too quiet for me to hear. Wanting to hear more of the conversation, I slowly but surely made my way towards the door, crawling on both my hands and knees since I was not physically strong enough to hold my own weight and made my way towards the door. Luckily, Trevor seemed to be delaying his answer and I was hoping that it was not due to them hearing me.

"What the hell happened in here?" Trevor suddenly asked.

"I got burgled," Stephen lied easily and I could imagine him shrugging.

"Hard times but who cares, since it happened to you. Anyway, back to me. Stay away from my fiancé." Trevor stated, his voice sounding firm and frosty.

"Or what?" Stephen challenged, his smirk visible in my head causing me to roll my eyes.

"Or you'll see what. Look, I'm sorry that you missed out on such an amazing girl like Mel, but she's with me now and we're happily in love so stay away from her. Can't you see that she doesn’t love you anymore? She's over you, otherwise she'd be here right now, but she's not is she? So just move along and stop crying and smashing things like the immature boy you are." Trevor retorted and I beamed at the word amazing.

"So where exactly is she then, Mr. Tramp?" Stephen questioned.

"At work, working over time. Why are you asking?" Trevor frowned, his face visual in my mind.

"Because I want to. Now since you've said all that you most probably wanted to say, get out of my house." Stephen stated.

"It's unattractive anyway," Trevor scoffed immaturely making me chuckle softly, not quite loud enough for them to hear.

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