Chapter Twenty Six

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"There's no need for you to take it outside right now Robert. Calm down," I insisted, swaying side ways slightly only to get caught by one of Stephen's strong arms.

"Yes Robert. I think that you should calm down before things really turn ugly," Stephen added, narrowing his eyes at my brother who was also glaring hard in his direction.

"Shut up Stephen because I don't think that I asked for your input. I just told you to get your ass out of this room so that we could handle this like men. Don't get my sister involved any more than you already have." Robert retorted, his hands at his side paling as his fist grew tighter, almost tight enough for his nails to rip open his palms. I felt and heard Stephen growl, extremely quietly and if I had not felt the rumble in his chest, would have probably thought that I had simply heard mistakenly. My body slowly start to tingle and heat up from my feet upwards, as Stephen continued to hold me tightly into his muscular chest and I realised that I needed to move away from him quickly.

"That's enough Robert. Stephen has kindly allowed both of us to stay in his house for reasons that don’t need to be discussed right now and so you have no ---," I began as I regained my strength back rather quickly since Stephen had not drunk as much as he had on previous occasions.

"That gives him no right to drink from you right after you were almost flipping raped and had had a miscarriage loosing enough blood already only two days ago if you've forgotten!" Robert interrupted gasping deeply after his breathless sentence. What he had said caused my whole body to immediately go cold when the words 'raped' and 'miscarriage' slipped out of his lips with such anger. All the fight left my body and I felt myself slump into Stephen. Gently removing Stephen's arm from around me even though he had been persistent to try to keep it around me, with one look into his black eyes which must have caught sight of the tears that were threatening to escape, his arm instantly loosened and I took advantage of that opportunity.

"Melanie don't --," Stephen started as I slipped out of his grasp.

"Leave it," I whispered, walking past him towards the bathroom.

"Mel, where are you going?"  Robert asked as I looked and walked past him, only for him to grab my arm.

"We're not finished here." He stated harshly.

"Well I am. I'm tired. After all I was nearly raped and just had a miscarriage. I mean how stupid could I be not to want someone else to die on my behalf?" I hissed sarcastically as I opened the bathroom door.

"Can I use your bathroom by the way?" I questioned politely, remembering my manners. Stephen's dark eyes looked both sad and angry as they stared into mine and they held too much emotion for me to handle causing me to look away.

"Sure." He replied.

"Oh and Robert, speak to me when you understand." I added before closing the bathroom door and sliding down it as the sobs overcame me and I shook with sadness. What had my life come to?

I woke up in someone's strong arms, with my feet dangling as though I was being carried. Hoping that it wasn’t Robert who was carrying me, I forced my eyes opened and looked up at the culprit. Stephen. He laid me gently onto his bed and I tiredly sat up since I was both emotionally and physically drained due to the past chain of events that had only happened a couple of days ago.

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