Chapter 4

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I was looking in the mirror for the nth time. After discussing with dad, mom decided to ask Mr. Rizwan to come teach me at my home. He said he would be here at 6pm. There were 10 more minutes to go. I was pacing the room in anticipation. I had zero trust on myself, what would I do? How would I behave? I never had a crush on anyone before. When I had, it was on my teacher. Does that make me a bad person? I wondered, just then my mom called out my name.

In my hurry to go out I spilled the water on my desk,  taking a last glance in the mirror scrutinizing my red dress with chudidaar and checked my ponytail for any loose strands. I look fine, I decided then went to the living room, just before opening the door I stopped to calm my nerves and then went in slowly.

Mr.Rizwan was seated on the sofa in yellow T shirt and black jeans. It was the first time I saw him in casual dressing, he looked even more handsome. I hated how my heart started racing and my legs became wobbly. What was he doing to me?

Keeping my eyes on the floor I walked towards him.

"Salaam" I greeted

"Waleikum salam" he replied.

"Study well," mom said and went inside. Now I was alone with him in my living room.

"Be seated" Mr. Rizwan gestured towards his opposite sofa.

I nodded and sat. I was unable to look at him in my nervousness.

"Maria", he said. "You need not be afraid of me. Surely I am your teacher at school. But I can be your friend here. Think this as a group study session."

I nodded again

"Call me Rizwan" he said.

This time I looked up.

He smiled. It was like seeing a rainbow after rain and I smiled back.

"What is the most difficult topic for you?" He asked

"Trigonometry sir" I answered

"Rizwan" he said." My name is Rizwan."

"Okay Rizwan" I mumbled. It felt awkward. Calling him by his name. I never had called any teacher by name.

He proceeded in explaining the topic, being patient at my doubts. The session almost lasted an hour. While leaving, he asked me to call my mom. I did.

"Your daughter is a fast learner, I am sure she will improve very soon. I will take your leave now, tomorrow I will come on the same time." he said.

"Thank you for your time and effort". Mom replied. "It means a lot."

"Its my job to take care of my students. I would be more than happy, if I could help Maria achieve good results" he replied.

"Jazakallah "mom said in gratitude.

"No problem "he said and left.

"He is a good man", mom remarked." Do you know he is not taking any fees to teach you. Where do we find such kind of people these days?"

How generous of Mr.Rizwan I thought, in a world where money meant the most to a person.

Mom and me sat for evening snacks and talked about random things.

"I have homework mom, I will complete it." I said taking her leave. I had slept with books all over my bed and woke up covered with a blanket and with books in their shelves. I felt lucky.

Daily I waited for the evening, for Mr. Rizwan to come and teach me.

One day in middle of our sessions he said "tell me about you"

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