Chapter 8

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He took my hands in his and began to say looking in my eyes "I love you Maria, from the moment we barged into one another, it was destiny playing its part, when I saw you I knew you were the girl I have been waiting for all my life. When I was holding you in my arms, it felt like I was holding my world. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. Your hair he said running his fingers in them and taking a wisp, I want to spend my nights lost in them, and your lips he said gazing at them they are just..... And he trailed off swallowing. I want to spend my life lost in your beauty Maria he said shifting his gaze to my eyes. And I know you will not say no, I know you love me Maria, I see it in your eyes. We are just made for each other."

"But I I ....."

"I know it's a big decision", he didn't let me complete as I hesitated "you will need time and I am ready to give you time, where I have waited years for you, a few days are nothing. When you make up your mind, wear this ring" he said putting it in my hands.

He got up to his feet, and bent down kissing my forehead" I will leave now, think about it"

I knew I was attracted to him, but marriage, I never thought about it, I still knew it was years down the lane. I didn't know what to say to him.... I sat on the sofa for the whole night contemplating what to do; I had landed myself in a mess. I was scared. He was so angry at me when I asked dad to stop my tuition, what would he do now when I reject him. I cried out of fear. I know I can never take this huge step. He is my teacher after all. Nothing can change that reality.

As the first ray of sun hit me, I got up from the place where I spent my whole night and went to my room, Farah was still sleeping, I should not tell about it I decided, she already had so much to worry about. My parents were not an option, I feared what action they would take, Uzma, I thought about her but she will not understand the situation, I was on my own in this. I had no idea what I would do.

I freshened up before Farah got up and then woke her.

I couldn't write my test well as the whole time I was thinking about Rizwan's proposal. How could he? I thought, I was still his student. How could he bring such thoughts about me? But he already had and what I knew about Rizwan in past two months, there was no stopping him but what about my parents? I can't do this I came to a conclusion. It will ruin both his and my life, my parents or the society would never accept us.

May be he played a prank I contemplated, it could be, he did it once, he can do it again.I relaxed a bit half convincing myself about his proposal being a prank. Later when he came for tuition after we exchanged greetings. His first question confirmed that he was serious about it.

"You are still not wearing my ring?" He asked outright taking my hand in his and observing there was no ring.

"I..... "I felt lost at words but then settled for " its not even 24 hours"

"I thought you didn't need much time to decide" he said gravely

"I do "I mumbled, it's the matter of whole life "I said looking away.

He turned my face towards him by holding at my chin,

"I know", he said sighing

"I know it's the matter of life and I want to begin my life with you as soon as possible. You know Maria," he continued "before I met you, I felt utterly alone in my life, so alone that I was contemplating suicide. But when I found you, it was like I found my reason to live. I wanted to live for you and only with you Maria. It took all the restraint I had in me to refrain from telling you that on the first day. I didn't want lose you then and I don't want to lose you now. I can't live without you Maria."

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