Chapter 14

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The day of the school picnic had arrived; Rizwan had asked me to come at his home on our usual school time, we were to go somewhere from there, he wants it to be a surprise he said. Uzma had stopped talking to both of us so they were at their respective homes, she thought I had known about them all along and kept it a secret from her. I think that hurt her more than her best friend and brother dating, they kept it a secret. Gratefully she didn't tell about it to their parents but Farah is in fear what would happen if she did.

"Yes I will be there soon, you take care of yourself", Rizwan was saying on the phone as I entered his apartment.

"Okay call you later then," he said looking at me "I have some important work. Bye". He wore a brown leather jacket on a yellow t-shirt and dark blue jeans with sports shoes; he was not looking any less than a hero. Only if his heart was as good. I looked down at my black jeans and a loose t-shirt and felt shabby in front of him.

"You didn't knock," he said

"The door was open."

"Still it's bad manners."


"No problem lets go, I was waiting for you."

We hopped on his bike, keeping my bag in between us I placed hands on his shoulders it was my first bike ride I was both excited and nervous. "Where are we going?" I asked

"Wait and see."

Sky covered with heavy grey clouds hid the sun and the cool breeze ruffled my hair. I forgot that I didn't want to come today. When the breeze touched my cheeks, it felt ecstatic. It was the perfect weather for a date. We were on the highway now with paddy fields on both sides of the road. The sunshine hit the fields finding a way among clouds like spotlights every few meters, wherever it touched it glowed like gold. The paddy fields gave way to trees swaying in wind on either side, then again replaced by farms.

"Hey sunflowers" I shouted when I spotted a sunflower field

"Do you like them?" He shouted back. Our voices were not audible to each other as the wind was carrying them away.

"It's not every day that you spot those"

"Okay". He said taking the bike on side. He talked to the farmer and bought me two.

"Thanks," I said taking it from him

"Anything for you," he said touching my cheek with his index finger.

This man baffled me. One day he is super sweet buying me flowers the next day he is psychotic banging his head or punishing me. I decided to put mind-boggling thoughts aside and enjoy the day till the time I can

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Did you like it this far?"

"Yes," I admitted.

"You will like  more about what is coming next."

Our journey continued for the next hour. We crossed two bridges with rivers flowing beneath them. Every few miles we were met by two roads diverging from the main, it reminded me of Robert Frost poem "two roads diverged into the woods" I had chosen the road which I knew is wrong but gave me immediate relief. I didn't want to face the consequences of my actions. So continued with it though I knew I shouldn't have.

There came a slope too steep and Rizwan took the bike on it so I clutched him tightly as it scared me. I opened my eyes to the vastness of water around me. We were on a bridge with huge gates on one side and water on the other till my eyes could see. I was filled with wonder. "What place is this?"

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