Chapter 26

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"Can I drive?" Nikita asked moving her hand forward for keys.

I gave her the keys as I was exhausted from driving for hours.

"Thanks," she said smiling and took the driver seat. I sat beside her and Rashmi occupied the back seat.

"What's your story?" I asked Nikita as she started ignition.

"Mine is a fairytale. She said waving her hand. I went to the US for higher studies and met Rajesh their and fell in love. His parents are the best in-laws in the world. They treat me as a daughter. They didn't even ask a single rupee in dowry and even shared the wedding expenses."

"So lucky," I said.

"I know right" she replied. "See how the fate works, when Rashmi called I was visiting them. When I shared her story with them and Rajesh, they felt so sorry for her and arranged her visa"

"Great" I replied.

"Thanks, Niki, I can never repay you for in this lifetime or next"

"What are friends for?" She shrugged.

We entered Oreon mall half an hour later. I tried a few things but nothing appealed to me. Rashmi changed into jeans and Kurti. Nikita bought some trinkets as she said she had done enough shopping already. I offered to pay Rashmi's bill but they refused. I wanted to do something for her; I finally bought her a bag as a gift. She didn't take it till I emotionally blackmailed her.

We returned Nikita's home exhausted. Their flight was late at night. It was only a day since I met them but it felt as if I knew them from ages. I helped them with packing. Rashmi didn't have much except for the dresses she bought today while Nikita had loads. After packing we all fell asleep on the same bed tired from the day. I offered to drop them at the airport and planned to leave for Coorg from there. Goodbyes are always the most difficult thing to do, whether you knew that person for years or days. It felt like I was parting from my close friends and couldn't stop my tears from flowing. I admired Rashmi for her courage and Nikita for her loyalty. We promised to stay in touch and exchanged email ids.

I stood there until I could see them, they turned and waved me goodbye one last time before vanishing in the corner. I wiped my tears and turned to go. I felt so lonely at that moment. As if I was the only person alone in this world. It was dark and cold outside and it scared me. I was still not over my fear of darkness. I always kept the lights open in my room even during nights and it was the first time in ages since I was out alone from my home.

I sat in my car and checked my phone, there were 15 miscalls from grandmother and 10 from mom. Being with Nikita and Rashmi I had completely forgotten about talking to grandmom. I was sure she had informed my mother about my adventure.

"Hey mom," I said calling her

"What the hell are you doing in Bangalore?" Mom shouted. I moved the phone away from my ear.

"I am returning back now," I said trying to calm her.

"No," she said. "Don't leave now. It is dangerous for you to drive so late in the night."

"Okay, I will take the hotel then and start in the morning". I suggested.

"No way you are going to do that" mom said, "it's not safe for a single girl to stay in a hotel."

"Then what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Go to shoeb uncle's house."

"No" I whined. "I don't want to disturb them at this hour." Well, the truth was I didn't want to face Raafay. It would be hard to ignore him at his house.

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