Chapter 12

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Mom gave my room to the new couple to sleep in, the guest room was occupied by their parents and asked me to join her in their room and Raafay was to sleep on the sofa in the living room.

"Sit for some time" Raafay said tapping on the floor when I got up to sleep when everyone else left. "It's been a long time since we talked."

"I am tired" I complained "and I have school tomorrow."

"Can't you give me few minutes from your busy schedule" he said making a puppy face. "Please"

"Okay fine" I said sitting down exhausted from the day. "What is it?"

"How is your school going?" He asked.

"Not all great but manageable, exams are near, much to study." I shrugged

"You should do group studies with your friends Farah and Uzma. You can cover more". He suggested.

"Everyone's got their own pace" I sighed.

"How is Farah doing these days?" He asked.

" Interested?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"No, just curious.When you were not lifting call I called Farah she had no idea where you were. It never happened before. You guys always told each other what you were doing. Why didn't you tell her about your tuition? Did you fight or something?"

What could I answer him? Even I didn't know why I didn't tell them. But I knew Raafay would dig deep if he didn't get a convincing answer. We always shared everything with each other. He knew all about Farah, Uzma and even Aftaab though he never met any of them in person. When I had told him about Aftaab proposing me, he wanted to give him some peace of his mind; it took me hours to convince him not do anything stupid. Now if I told him about Rizwan, I was sure of him making a big fuss about it. I had to conjure up a lie fast.

"I didn't say it to them because mom asked me not to. She feared that if I tell them, they will also join me and my studies will get disturbed even in tuition". I prayed that he didn't ask mom about it.

"Oh. Parents logic" he sighed

"What are you up to these days?"

"I have semester exams coming up; I have also applied for a summer internship at Infosys and Microsoft, just hoping that they accept".

"Insha allah they will. I heard you are cooking?"

"I have to. The hostel food is awful."

"And yours is good?" I teased him

"Much better than them" he said raising his hands

"Its okay, two more years, and then you will be a free bird" I said flapping my hands like wings of a bird.

"He gave out a short laugh."

What are you planning to do after that? I asked

"Be a bird."

"Meaning?" I asked confused

"I want to travel, I am working part time near college, saving money".

"You can ask your parents, why work hard, we both know they will not deny you".

"I know but I don't want to ask them, I want to do something on my own".

I gave him thumbs up. "Good thinking".

"What are you planning to do? Which stream are you taking?"

"Not decided yet. Let's see what the future holds".

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