Chapter 29

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"I am sorry," Raafay said "if I have hurt you. I didn't want to."

"It's okay," I said wiping my tears "pain is now part of who I am."

"I wish if I could do anything to ease it."

We both didn't have much to say after that and as the twilight deepened so did the panic in my heart. Darkness always had something hidden in it. We could see as much as our headlights allowed. Raafay had become cautious of his driving looking out for any pot holes and speed breakers on the road since we left the highway

"We are now entering Kurnool," he said as we took a turn "it is still a long way to reach Hyderabad. Why don't we stop at a hotel for the night?"

I was not comfortable with the idea of stopping at night but the fear of darkness overwhelmed me than the fear of being with Raafay alone. He wouldn't hurt me I knew that in my heart but my mind was not allowing me to trust him completely.

"I will drive if you are tired," I suggested instead.

"It's not about tiredness," he said looking at me "I don't want to continue traveling at night with you. We don't know who we meet next."

I fidgeted with the mobile in my hand which was close to its end unable to make up my mind.

"I know your fears Maria but I think it would be better if we made a stop. We will continue our journey at the daybreak" he insisted.

"Okay," I finally said after contemplating for many minutes. "We will take two rooms."


We looked for a decent hotel and came to a stop after nearly an hour. Raafay booked two adjacent rooms for us. It was a small hotel and most of its staff had already retired for the night. The rooms were not luxurious but were neatly maintained. I called mom informing her of our halt as soon as I was in my room. "Be careful and inform me as you start next day." she said and hung up the phone.

There was a knock at the door at that moment.

"Who is it?" I asked from behind.

"It's Raafay."

I peeped from the keyhole and made sure it was indeed him.

"Yes?" I gave him a questioning look as I opened the door.

"I was thinking of having dinner. Will you join me?" he said rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"I will freshen up first."

"Give me a call when you are ready."

"Okay," I said bolting the door. I removed my Burqa and the headscarf. My hair had become greasy with sweat and dust. I took my white shirt and churidar and went in for the bath. I was offering the day's last obligatory prayer when there was a knock again. It was three knocks before I opened the door. Raafay was standing there with some packets in his hand. I moved away from the door letting him in.

"All the shops were closed. Luckily I found these" he said taking out mutton kebabs and Rumali roti from the packets. I smiled inwardly at his choice of food. Nonvegetarian was always a must for him even in childhood. We spread newspapers on the floor and sat folding our legs. He served me Roti and kebabs in a paper plate before he served himself.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He was making "Shik" sound lightening imaginary candles beside our dinner.

"Lightening candles, can't you see?" he said giving me a smile.

"There is enough light," I said pointing to a bulb.

"I always wished to have candlelight dinner but if I off the light then you will be scared so let me have it in my imagination" he winked.

"How do you know?" I asked

"About what?"

"That I am scared of darkness," I said shifting on my legs.

"Aunt told me."

"Why would she?" I exclaimed.

"Because I asked" he shrugged unable to get why I was so shocked.


"Maria," he said leaving food and focusing his full attention on me "if you forgot me that didn't mean I forgot you. I talk to Aunt Ayesha daily about you. I know everything about you. I knew that you painted. I know that your favorite part of the day was seeing the rising sun and you use to take long walks listening to the chirping of birds and losing yourself in nature. I never gave up on you."

"Why?" I whispered unable to meet his earnest eyes. "I never talked to you all these years."

"Because," he said stammering "because," he said again I looked up at him confusion written all over my face at his stammering.

"Because you are my friend" he finally said letting out a deep sigh. "I have known you all my life" he continued "I wanted to share your pain but could not gather the courage to come to see you because of the fear you showed me when you were brought home. I didn't want to send you to paranoia."

"I am sorry," I said tears already brimming in my eyes "It wasn't your fault. I hurt dad too. I wouldn't go near him even now."

"Don't cry please" he pleaded to be afraid to touch me as I had cast my head down.

"Maria," he said "look at me"

I brought my black orbs to his brown ones. "It was not your fault either. It was Satan who robbed you of your happiness. Do not blame yourself for anything please."

"Thank you," I said wiping my tears with the back of my hand and feeling grateful towards him.

"I will always be there for you Maria," he said, "but let's not forget the food" he added simultaneously.

I chucked. It was already cold and I wasn't able to take a morsel of it in spite of Raafay's urges.

"I will be here but you will be gone if you eat so less" he announced.

I laughed at his comments and forced myself to take a bite for his sake.

He gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen on anyone's face. We finished our dinner reminiscing our childhood days. Later he helped me clean up the mess.

"I am in next room Maria; call me if you need anything," he said at the door

"I will," I said closing the door behind him. I bolted it from inside and threw myself on the bed thinking about what Raafay was saying. Maybe it wasn't my fault. Maybe it was all his. The sleep was hard to come by. But the next minute everything around me darkened. There was not even a light peeping in the room from anywhere and I was transported back to the room where I had been tortured for months. I felt paralyzed; I wasn't able to move even my finger. Sweat drenched me and my breathing became heavy. I heard a knock on the door and it sent me in a deeper abyss of fear. "Maria, Maria" Rizwan was calling out my name. I moved my covers until they reached my eyes. I dreaded that he would come and force himself on me and I wouldn't be able to do anything. The knocks on my door became louder and louder. My mind was shut petrified of what came next. There was a loud thud on my door and it swung open. I screamed with everything inside of me and saw a familiar face before I passed out.

A/N: Hey guys, please vote and comment your views on the book.

Thank you for choosing to read my book.

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