Chapter 31

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"Why are you still standing there? Come inside," mom said from inside. I hadn't noticed when she left.

"Coming," Raafay replied and we both went in the dining room. My eyes fell on my bedroom door where I had spent my whole life but now looking at it I dreaded going inside as the last memory I had of it was when mom was applying aloe vera gel on my burn marks, those marks had faded but the hurt was still there. "Where's dad?" I asked mom.

"He went for an errand. He will soon be back," she replied from the kitchen. "Both of you freshen up until I arrange dinner."

"Okay," we replied in unison. I stood clutching the doorknob unable to take one more step. Remembering his words I looked at Raafay. He gave me an assuring smile and nodded. I took a deep breath and opened the door, stepping inside I tried to block the bad memories with the good ones. My slumber parties with my best friends, the times me and mom use to lay hours in my bed talking. I hoped those days returned. I had grown distant from mom since she shifted back. I didn't want to disturb her peace when she was far away from me telling her about my sorrows so I kept quiet.

When I got back to the dining room dad had returned. He was sitting with Raafay who had also changed clothes. He was now wearing a white button-down shirt and blue jeans. When dad saw me he stood up.

"Assalamualikum" I mumbled.

"Waleikumsalam" he replied hesitantly to come near me. I remembered the days I use to blame dad for every tear mom shed because of me. Ignorant that he might as well had endured the same thing. "Dinner is ready" mom called us. I went to help her by bringing it to the table. After dinner Raafay took leave. Mom and dad thanked him for coming with me and went till the gate to drop him.

"Shall I drop you?" dad asked.

"No uncle I will walk," he said wishing them goodnight. He was comfortable with my parents more than I was. I felt awkward standing at the door of my living room seeing them pouring so much love on him. It was like he had become a family member. I wished my parents goodnight and came back to the room citing exhaustion from the trip. More than physical exhaustion it was mental. I wanted my old life back where I didn't feel awkwardness talking to my parents. Most of all I wanted to do something with my life. Lately, I just felt like wasted space. I wondered what Farah and Uzma were doing these days.

The first thing I did the next day was to enroll in martial arts and kickboxing classes. Then, went straight to Farah's house. I rang the bell and stood there moving on my feet constantly.

"Assalamualaikum," I greeted Farah as she opened.

"Maria," she shouted throwing herself at me taking me in a tight hug. "How are you? I missed you so much."

"I missed you too," I said moving back. She had put on some weight and her hairs were longer than they use to be. "You are looking beautiful"

"Weren't I always?" she said making a pose making me giggle.

"Anyways come inside," she said pulling me by hand. She took me in her living room where her in-laws were seated watching television.

"Maria," aunt Rubiya exclaimed getting up from her seat. "How are you?" hugging me lightly. Sohail uncle just gave me a glance and resumed watching the news. He was among the persons who thought it was always girls fault whatever happened to them.

"Assalamualikum uncle," I mumbled feeling awkward being ignored. He nodded not bothering to look my way.

"Take her to your room Farah," the aunt said to her trying to cover her husband's ignorance.

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