Chapter 38

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Farah's phone rang again for the nth time as we were entering the banquet hall where the conference was arranged. I asked her to be on my side for support though this interview was supposed to be mine only.

"What is it?" I asked as she canceled the call again.

"It's my so-called mother," she mocked, "She has been calling from days. Since I got money, I guess they remembered that I was their daughter."

"Hey don't say like that. Maybe they miss you."

"Yeah," she said mocking my statement.

Seeing so many people sitting with mikes, writing pads and pens there waiting for our opinion. I realized the importance of this interview. Instead of feeling nervous I felt confident and bold. This company was everything I had left. It gave me my life back. And now I had to save it.

We came in their view and took our seats arranged on a makeshift podium at the front of the hall. There was a video camera arranged on our right and a banner with our company name printed on it was placed behind the podium.

"Good evening everyone," Farah said in the mike in front of us.

The answer was in chorus from the crowd.

It was my turn now and my voice made a slight tremor despite my best effort to make it sound confident. Instead of an answer, the crowd of journalists erupted in incoherent murmurs which started from the front and traveled all the way back to the last row, in the process confusing me.

"You can start your questions now," dad said standing at our right wearing cream color Safari suit to the crowd.

A dark-skinned short man with a mustache stood to adjust his glasses.

"My question is to Ms. Maria," he said and asked

Q. Mrs. Anita Kumar in her article mentioned that you think covering yourself would have avoided your fate. Do you agree?

I was prepared for this question as I knew they would be asking me this so I had a ready answer for it.

A. It was not that I was running around my oppressor in miniskirts. I don't think wearing full or half clothes has anything to do in regard to being victimized.

Q. Then why did the idea of Flames came in your mind? Someone else asked from behind.

Another expected question. I felt I was sitting in a viva examination and my degree depended on my answers.

A. "I started Flames to solve the problem of hijab-wearing Muslim girls who suffer from heat because of weather. My brand of abhayas is different from those of others."

The questions began in full swing and I was unable to make out who was asking what?

Q. Don't you think that it is wrong to subject them to such difficulties? Asking them to hide their beauty?

Now they were going out of the portion I had been prepared for but I could answer it as my thoughts were already formed about it as I read in newspapers about the ban of burkinis in France as if showing your flesh means you are modernized enough for the society and refusing to do so becomes against law.

A. Most of the time it's their own choice to adorn full clothes. When a woman is free to expose herself, she is also free to cover. I think we scandalize the issue of hijab very much. It should not matter what a girl chooses to wear. It's her choice either way.

And why do you think the cover isn't beautiful? My brand tagline is Draped and Dandy not Draped and safe nor Draped and ugly.

Q. Your assailant Rizwan turned out to be your teacher. Did you suspect him to commit such a sin?

I tensed hearing his name. This should have been of no concern to them and I didn't expect questions regarding it but I guess only company news would be boring for their readers so they have to dig up the controversial stuff. But I had to answer them, refusing to do so could lead them to target me anew.

A. No.

Q. What kind of relationship you had with him?

A. A teacher-student relationship.

Q. We heard that you were alone in his house when he kidnapped you. How do you justify that?

They were now getting on my nerves. I took a sip of water from the water bottle placed in front of me and answered them keeping calm.

A. I was taking tuition from him.

Q. Don't you think that it was reckless on your parents part in sending you to a man's house when they knew he lived alone?

I looked at my father who tensed up hearing the question. There was guilt in his eyes and he lowered his head as if agreeing to what they just said. I didn't believe that. I could bear them attacking me but by targeting my parents they unleashed a new me which I didn't even know existed deep within. If they were being ugly digging my past I was ready to counter them with even more harshness.

A. NO. My parents had the best interests for me when they send me to be tutored under him. How many girls are there in our society who yearn for education but their right has been denied. My parents not only sent me to one of the best schools in the city but also took extra measures so that I could excel in my studies. No man can guess what is in another person's mind. My parents trusted him.

Q Your schoolmate gave a statement that he tried to get close to her. But she stopped him. Why was that not possible for you? Were you attracted to him?

A. "May be I was" I said cashing on my new found boldness. May be I thought I had nothing more to lose. But I pitied the people who want to bring out the ugly side of a human being. "But that didn't mean I had agreed to sleep with him. Why do you think he had the need to kidnap me if I had?"

"I did some mistakes but I didn't deserve the punishment I got for it."

The questions now turned to Farah as they realized they had no more juicy stuff to take out from me.

Q. What are your father's thoughts on your business?

A. I don't know. I never asked him.

Q. Why is that?

A, we are not on speaking terms.

Q. What about your mother?

I could see her tensing and wanting to tell the truth about her parents but she resisted and instead turned on the journalists.

"Are you here to ask me about my family history or my brand? I suggest you stick with the brand. Thank you."

That shut them for good. And they began asking the questions they were supposed to.

Q. What are the future plans for your brand?

We are getting franchisee offers from all over India. We are in talks for that. As of Hyderabad, we will have complete control over it. There will be another retail store opening in a month or so.

Q. Why did you name your brand flames?

This time I answered abandoning the script they had given us as they didn't ask anything we were expecting. This time I spoke from the heart without any fear.

A."I named my brand Flames as I want to ignite it in every heart that has gone through an ordeal. I want to give them hope that the pain isn't their end. They can create a better future for themselves. I dedicate its success to the survivors who are dealing with the aftermath of the cruelty meted to them. Remember it isn't your fault. It never was and you don't have to punish yourself for someone else deeds.

"I request to all the survivors: You are a blaze in the tempest. Don't let it calm your flame."

"And to the journalists: don't define me as a victim anymore. Define me as a victor who survived in spite of everything."

And that night I forgave myself.

A/N: An early update as promised. 

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