Chapter 7

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I heard mom talking on phone as I entered home from school.

"Yeah Sure," she was saying, "Congratulations, She is a lucky girl. Yes Sure, he will also come. Can't say about Maria, if she has something important. But Insha allah( If God wills)  we will be there."

She motioned with her hand for me to sit on the sofa in front of her.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"Seema," mom smiled, "Shaafin is getting married."

"Really?" I asked astonished, Seema and Shoeib uncle were long time friends of my parents, Shoeb uncle and my dad were classmates in school and after their marriages, mom and his wife became good friends too. Shaafin was their elder son, the thought of him getting married was absurd as he was an introvert kid, always keeping to himself, while his younger brother, Raafay and I use to cause all the mischief.

"When Is the wedding?" I asked

"Next week"

"Oh No! My tests are starting next week." I sighed. They lived in Bangalore where Shoeb uncle practised medicine and aunt was a housewife. Thinking it would be again a long time before I could meet them I felt sad.  Aunt Seema had always wished for a daughter but her wish remained a wish.She used to call me her own and loved me always, spoiling me by giving me everything I asked when we met and I missed Raafay, he was one of my early friends in life and later became my best friend, but since he joined engineering we didn't find much time to be in contact.

"Oh. Let it be, we will not go." Mom suggested. But I knew how much mom wanted to attend the wedding. They have been friends from more than 25 years. Aunt would definitely be upset if she didn't go.

"Its okay mom, I will call Farah over. We will be fine, You should enjoy the wedding." I assured.

"Are you sure?" Mom was hesitant.

"It's Bangalore, it not another area". Mom worried.

"I am a grown up girl mom, I can handle myself. And Farah would be eager to come for a sleepover." I winked.

"Okay, if you say so." mom still sounded unsure.

But dad convinced mom to attend the wedding, so the following week they both went to Bangalore to attend it.

"Be in constant touch," mom said while leaving, "We are going for only one night. We will be back till you get back from school next day."

"Yes mom," I said for a thousandth time, "you don't worry. We will be fine"

"Take care and lock all doors from inside," she said kissing my forehead and finally sitting in the car.

Farah was happy to join me as she was almost alone in the house; her companions were mostly her servants. We ordered pizza for the dinner. All the while Farah seemed lost in her thoughts, when we were seated in my room, going through books for the exam next day. 

 I got a message from Rizwan that he is busy and would not be able to come today for my tuition class and I felt a bit relieved, after past episode, something changed, we started talking constantly during whole nights and I didn't had time for anyone or anything anymore except him. I thought I would take this opportunity to connect with my friends with whom my contact has almost diminished after school. We talked only as much in the school. I asked Uzma if she could also come to sleep at my home. But her parents refused saying my parents weren't home so they doubted what we girls would do without any parental guidance. They weren't the parents who trusted their children blindly. Uzma had lot more restrictions than me and Farah.

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