Chapter 15

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The dinner was arranged on the dining table illuminated by candles. Everything seemed perfect. After dinner, he asked me for a dance.

"I can't dance," I said

"Just follow me". He smiled

Few minutes and few urges later we were dancing in his living room, which started with loud peppy songs with him swirling me around changed to soft numbers. My head was now resting on his shoulders and his one hand was on my waist and the other caressing my back. For once I had forgotten my inhibitions and enjoyed the moment. I was getting used to his touch now. Our bodies swayed with the rhythm of the music, he moved my head back our eyes met igniting already burning sparks between us and the next thing I knew was our lips were locked. This kiss was the exact opposite of the previous. He was extremely gentle while forcing me to kiss him back, hesitant I kissed him. He moved back only to come back with zealous passion, kissing my neck, before I could understand what he was doing he tore my dress in one swift movement with both his hands. Holding me back against the wall he launched into a flurry of kisses all over my body like a vulture feasting on meat. I struggled to push him back. I didn't want this. I never wanted this. I knew it was a sin and I wasn't ready to commit it ever. I used all my strength and jerked him away "stop" I shouted, "what are you doing?" I held my dress together to cover my exposed body.

"What's your problem?" He shouted back. "I thought you would be ready after all the time we have spent together."

"This is wrong" I whimpered

"This isn't wrong. This is love" he said coming near me. "We will get married," he said taking a step towards me keeping both his arms wide open.

"Just don't," I said placing a hand on his chest "don't come near me."

"What is wrong with you?" He barked smashing a glass on the floor.

"If this is love for you," I said wiping my tears "then I don't want your love." I ran in the room clutching the dress in my hands so it wouldn't fall. I couldn't stop my hands from shaking as I dropped it and changed back in my clothes.

"Listen," he said catching my arm as I tried walking past him towards the main door. "I love you and I want you. I can't wait till we get married to have you. Why don't you understand this is my way of showing my love for you."

"I don't want to marry you anymore," I said jerking my hand away from him and ran from the apartment. I didn't stop running till my lungs felt on fire. The rain hadn't stopped yet and I was thankful for it as my tears mingled with the raindrops on my face not drawing any attention towards them. I felt violated; I had become almost naked in front of a man who I wasn't married to. My eyes had become blurry and I had no idea where I was going. I just kept walking keeping my head down when I became blinded by the lights. It felt like my end and I let out a scream and tried to shield myself from the oncoming car by turning away covering my head with hands but it stopped making a screeching sound not even an inch away from me.

"Are you alright?" A voice called out.

I looked up to find Aftaab looking at me.

"Maria" he exclaimed, "What are you doing here?" He said lifting me up. "Are you okay?"

I nodded wiping my tears.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing," I said trying to walk past him.

"I will drop you home," he said, "sit in the car." I was hesitant to be alone with another man in a confined place again. "No I will be fine," I said, "I will take the auto."

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