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"Will you tell me what's in the room with the red door, now?" I ask Calvin as I glance at it. He merely looks at the door and then back at me with his dark eyes.

"In time, my dear." He assures me. I knot my eyebrows and look up at him. He takes my looks as a not good enough, and let's out a sigh. "There are things that you won't be able to understand quite yet, and our bond hasn't been sealed. As of right now, I don't have to share with you what's behind that door."

"You can just save your breath and say you don't trust me." I say, frowning lightly at his response.

"Fine, I don't trust you." He says. "I didn't want to sound rude, you put the words in my mouth, Gray." He says gently, pulling my back against his front and kissing the top of my head. "Now, go and change before I change you myself." He mumbles.

I open my mouth to defy him, but he let's out a warning growl. "Don't test me, Gray." His lips are dangerously close to my ear as he says it. I swallow dryly and scurry towards the bedroom where all of my stuff is.

"Don't test me." I mock as I tug my shorts off my body and fling them into the hamper. Calvin gets on my nerves when he tells me no. He always makes everything about my age. Maybe I act older than I am. He doesn't even consider that.

"Mocking me isn't going to get you anywhere but on my bad side, Angel." Calvin says from the other side of the hallway. I roll my eyes. Stupid wolf hearing.

"I'm always on your bad side." I mumble back, "I'm taking a shower." I say the second part a little louder to make sure he hears me. He seems to have picky hearing I guess.

When I get into the shower, it doesn't take long for me to scrub myself clean. As much as I enjoyed Calvin's touch, I feel dirty. I can still feel the tingles that his touch had left on my skin, and almost hear the way his breathing had changed.

I sigh, running my hand over the curve of my neck. I desperately want Calvin to mark me. The crave for his mark isn't for the power that I'll receive, or the fact that I will live forever. It's simply because I want to be his. I want people to believe it, and I want to be able to feel what he feels.

But, as Calvin has said, in time. I think I know what I'm getting myself into. All the weight of his title will be added me my shoulders as well. As for my friends and family who will pass- it will be a sad time, but even I will die one day. Weather it be a car crash or a freak accident. Or even murder.

I get out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I'm silent as I shuffle out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

"You make it extremely hard to control myself, Gray." Calvin grumbles. I'm taken by surprise when I see him lying on the bed in a pair of shorts. I didn't expect him to be in here.

I flash him an innocent smile. "Easy, Grandpa. I wouldn't want to have you break a hip or anything." I roll my eyes and dig out some clothes. A low growl rumbles from his chest but he makes no effort to get up and do anything about my comment.

"Go get dressed before I break your hips." He sways his hand, but I feel his eyes burning into my back. I glance back at him and knot my eyebrows.

"Stop watching me." I grumble.

"I'm not." His lips curl up into a smile. I can't help but smile back. He doesn't ever smile that much while he's out, so it makes me happy every time that he does smile.

"You are." I point out, clutching my clothes to my chest. "Can you stop looking for at least a minute so I can put underwear on? It's hot in the bathroom." I ask, turning to face him.

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