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"Gray?" Calvin calls through the bathroom door

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"Gray?" Calvin calls through the bathroom door. I let out a slow breath and keep my hand on the handle.

"Baby?" He says softer, and I rest my forehead against the door. "Please come out." He begs. I can't resist it. Calvin sounds, hurt.

I come face to face with Calvin. His eyes are soft and his lips are lightly parted. I instantly wrap my arms around his body and breathe in heavily.

His arms slowly wrap themselves back around me. It's comforting. I shut my eyes and feel his hands through my hair. "Please don't be scared of me." He murmurs against my hair.

"I'm not scared of you, I'm scared of him." I say gently, lifting my head up to look him in the eyes. "What if you can't control him and he does what he did last time?" I frown at the idea of him pinning me like he had done before. Calvin swallows.

"He won't hurt you again, babydoll. He just wants to keep you protected." He says, gently touching my chin and planting a kiss to the top of my nose. I can only nod my head, hoping that Calvin is right.

I lift my head slightly and capture his lips in a reassuring kiss. I can do this. The last time I had met his wolf wasn't pleasent, and it leaves me feeling queasy about this meeting.

His hand reaches up my face and cups my cheeks. I feel strange when we share the kiss. Something is off. Maybe it's the fangs lightly stabbing into my lip. When we pull apart, Calvin continues to cup my cheeks and linger near me.

My eyes roam up his body until they reach his eyes. I stiffen lightly at the image before me. His eyes aren't black but a deep purple. It's something I hadn't noticed the first time I'd met his wolf.

He studies me, just how I'm studying him. Only I already know what he looks like. Calvin's eyes roam over me. I feel weird, because it isn't exactly Calvin looking at me.

He pushes a lock of hair from my face and I say the only word that pops into my mind. "Hi!" I squeak, smiling hopefully. I hope that he will have an interest in me. When his hand touches mine the sparks seem to have grown stronger.

"Hi," he laughs, dipping down and pressing his lips to mine. I'm taken back by the suddenness of what is happening. I can't help myself but to kiss him back.

I pull my mouth away from his and look up into his eyes. Something behind them twinkles and I know Calvin is keeping his wolf under control.

"Rakasa." He says gently, continuing to carries my face the way he had been. His fingers leave no space untouched. I grin and can't help but lean into his touch. When he isn't angry, Rakasa isn't all that scary. He's...sweet.

"Rakasa..." I repeat, feeling the way that it rolls off my tongue so smoothly. I love it. Rakasa growls in approval, cleaning liking the way I say it too.

I grin, "it's nice to finally meet you." I can't help but mutter when I look into his purple eyes. It's like I'm staring into a galaxy.

Rakasa grins wildly back at me. "I've been waiting to meet you for a very long time, little wolf." He says gently, and I almost shiver at the sound of his voice. "Such a long time..." He mutters, running his thumb over where his mark should be placed on my neck. I suck in a sharp breath and look him in the eyes.

My heart suddenly feels as if it's going to beat out of my chest. "Why do you call me that?" I ask, knotting my eyebrows. Rakasa meets my gaze and then let's out a sigh.

"You think that you're not important here because of where you've come from. You think you're small compared to us, but even the smallest of things can have the biggest impact." He says softly. I look down at my hands and nod. Why did that just hit me so hard?

"How'd you know that?" I ask, looking back up at him. Rakasa only smiles.

"Calvin wants you back." He mumbles gently. I let out a slow breath. "He isn't very good at sharing." He shrugs. Rakasa leans forward an captures my lips. "Soon." He mumbles and kisses me again.

His teeth graze over my bottom lip and soon he pulls back to look at me. Only this time, it's really Calvin. His beautiful eyes are staring back into mine, and I grin like a mad man.

"What's his name mean?" I ask, knotting my eyebrows after stealing one last kiss from Cal. Calvin let's out a soft breath.

"Monster. It's Indonesian." He says cooly. I blow out a soft breath and look up at him.

"I don't think he's a monster." I mutter. Calvin gives me a soft smile and kisses me.

"Never to you, babydoll." He mumbles, kissing me again, "but to intruders, he's a monster." He assures me.

"You're not a monster. Stop that." I frown, swatting my hand at his chest. Calvin only half laughs.

"Everyone is a monster. Some just aren't scary." He replies, shrugging his shoulders.

"Fine." I huff. "You're my monster." I stand on my tip toes and kiss his cheek. "I like Rakasa." I grin. "He's a really good kisser." I poke my tongue out when I hear Calvin growl.

"Well, he may be a better kisser, but I've got a lot more up my sleeve you can't imagine." Calvin says casually. I raise an eyebrow.

"You're not going to go fifty shades of gray on me, are you Cal?" I half laugh at my own joke. His lips curl into a smile.

"Fifty shades of gray doesn't sound bad." He chuckles. "But I really don't intend on beating you." He shakes his head.

"Thanks." I half laugh. The conversation has gotten serious but I can't seem to stop the awkward laugh.

"A hundred and two shades of Cal seems very pleasing though." He mutters. I look at him and simply roll my eyes.

"Sometimes I'm afraid to know what's going on in that mind of yours." I laugh, shaking my head.

He watches me intently as I move about the room and grab a bunched up t shirt and some shorts to sleep in. Then, I move to the bathroom and go to change.

He looks disappointed as I meet his eyes in the bathroom mirror before shutting the door.

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