How To Deal With Stars

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Actually it wasn't as bad as I had envisioned it to be, I thought I would be eaten alive by snobby, back stabbing, sharp tongued bitches and looked down upon by the suave elegant rich males.

Okay a few were as I thought, but not all, some seemed genuinely nice people, who didn't judge me, I even received complements on my dress and my look and often Brent would give me the 'I told you so' look as some alpha males would call me beautiful and undress me with their eyes, this made me feel rather embarrassed and uncomfortable.

"And this is..." Started Brent introducing yet another couple.

"Chrissie, how are you and what are you doing here with this lump"

What! Who the hell knows me, my eyes zeroed in on the speaker and narrowed as I recognised the face but couldn't put a name to it.

" It's me Mandy, Amanda Clayton, well Jackson now, Blenheim View B and B, you use to do my hair"

Suddenly it all clicked into place.

"Of course, I remember now, long time no see"

I had heard that Mandy who used to be a frequent customer, had married a rich American guy and of course now got her hair done by the elite, I missed her as a regular, I mean she was a paying customer and now she wasn't.

"Well this is my husband Jasper, Jasper this is Chrissie, she used to be my hairdresser"

This tall handsome guy leaned in and shook my hand.

"Pleased to meet you"

Then he turned and started to talk to Brent, Mandy rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm.

"Come on let's go find a drink, those two will discuss business for hours"

Mandy pulled me across the room towards what I assume was the bar, plonking herself down on a barstool, I followed suit.

It was them I noticed the large bulging stomach on her, she noticed my glance and smiling rubbed her hand across her pregnant belly.

"Yes, my second and a little girl Ella Louise"

I noticed her eyes glistening as tears welled up in her eye's.

"Are you okay" I asked concerned.

She leant forward and placed a hand on my arm.

"Yes it's these damn hormones, play havoc with a girl, you know"

We both chuckled and as the bartender now stood in front of us we ordered two fruit juices, clasping our drinks we fought our way though the bar crowd and once we emerged the other side found ourselves a quiet little corner and sat on a rather comfy sofa.

"So tell all" gushed Mandy "What are you doing here with Mr Alpha Superstar"

"Well, er, it's like this.." and before I could elaborate, a husky male voice cut in.

"Well what do we have here, the two most gorgeous women to grace the gala hiding in the back"

We both looked up to see this tall handsome fit guy with longish blonde hair and a chiselled jaw line, smirking and his eye's were firmly fixed on me, Mandy gave a small laugh.

" Hi Buster, still the sophisticated gentleman I see"

"Hello, Mrs Jackson, nice to see you again, but pray"

His eyes flew back to mine and narrowed, as he licked his bottom lip.

"Who is this most exquisite young lady, you are hiding from me"

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