What Now?

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"I know I'm falling for you in a big way"

Those ten words kept playing and playing around in my head, no man has ever said those words to me in my life, then a man most women would kill for to have him say those words to them, says them to me.

I must have nearly collapsed as Brent had grabbed me around my waist and steadied me before literally carrying me back to our table and gently lowering me into my chair, me I was still a zombie, trying to make sense of his words.

"Are you all right Chrissie" a concerned voice asked as a feminine hand touched my shoulder.

I could only muster up a short nod, before said voice continued.

"Brent what the hell have you done to her" now the voice wasn't a whisper more an angry aggressive growl.

"Nothing Claudia"  came the reply. "I just told her the truth"

I'm sure I heard two females stifled giggles, before Claudia spoke again.

"You idiot you can't just blurt it out in the middle of a dance floor"

"Why not, it's the truth, I'm liking her more than just liking, I mean I'm fall... You know what I mean"

This made me cringe a bit, can he please stop saying that and just go back to kissing me.

"Sheesh and they say romance is dead" then turning to me. "It's okay Chrissie, he is after all a man and they don't come with many romantic brain cells, are you okay"

"Claudia Melanie" was all I could mumble.

Causing Claudia to laugh out loud.

"Brent a drink is needed I think, don't you" and there it was that sibling thing again, unspoken looks getting the message across.

"Yer good idea, I'll be back in a minute" and he disappeared into the crowd.

An arm wrapped around my shoulder and pulled me to their side as Destiny moved and sat next to me.

"Hey Chrissie, it's okay just sit and relax, take it easy okay"

"He said he falling for me, how is that possible" I mumble almost incoherently.

"Believe me it's possible, not only that it's true, I tried to warn you, but I didn't expect him to open his big mouth without thinking, but hey that's my brother for you"

"Oh god what do I do now" putting my head in my hands.

The two siblings lowered their heads so they were on par with mine.

"Well" Claudia began "What are your feelings regarding Brent"

"I don't know, I wouldn't know what falling in love was if it hit me in the eye" I honestly reply.

"Well how do you feel when he's around, holding your hand, kissing you"

Feeling really embarrassed now I lowered my head, only for Claudia to raise it up again with her finger.

"Hey we're friends right and friends help each other right and that's what we want for you, we want to help" this was Destiny joining in the conversation.

"Okay Chrissie listen" interjected Claudia "I am in love with Kelvin okay and my feeling are, when he holds my hand I get strange feelings in my chest and stomach, when he talks to me it sends shivers down my spine, when we kiss wow! There are fireworks and my whole body melts and when we make love I cannot begin to tell you the feelings I have, that's something You'll find out in time yourself, so does any of that seem familiar"

Oh shit! She has just described my feelings to a tee, all I could do was nod my head.

"Which one's" Claudia enquired.

"All of them" I whispered head down.

"I knew it" Claudia squealed.

"Apart from the making love bit I mean" I quickly added, really embarrassed now, then lowering my head again and groaning "What the hell am I going to do"

"Chrissie it's all right, falling for someone is the most natural thing in the world, Brent's falling in love with you, your falling in love with him, don't over think it , go with the flow, just be you and enjoy it"

"But it's only supposed to be for three months"

Claudia grabbed my head and lifted it so I was looking at her.

"Chrissie, love is not a three month thing ,you can't turn it on and off like a tap, it's a real emotion, you have no control over it, it does what it likes, you just go with it, it will lead the way"

There it was the four letter word that I dreaded and got excited about at the same time, I had read about, heard people say it, but I had never been involved with it, till now.

"But what if I fall out of love, or Brent falls out of love with me" I cried.

"Chrissie, it's there, as I said you don't control it, it controls you, if you fall out of love you'll know, what ever happens it will hurt, just like falling over hurts, you fall cry from the pain get up, brush yourself down, heal and get on with life, but unless you give it a shot you'll never know and the hurt is still there if you try and deny your feelings, trust me I know"

"So your saying, it's not for three months, if we love each other and just give it a go and see where it leads"

"Now you've got it" Claudia grinned "And you get two awesome sister's and friend's as well, now come on go get your man and stop him worrying"

"Okay" I said with grim determination. "Your right I can do this, even if I'm scared shitless and thanks, friend's and sister's"

And we high fived and hugged each other, just as Brent pushed his way towards our table a worried frown on his face.

This is it I thought, standing as he reached the table, his look changed almost to one of panic.

"Are you alright Chrissie, your not leaving are you, look I'm sorry I shouldn't..."

"Shut up Simons and let me get a word in will you"

And he did snapping his jaw shut and staring at me, I stepped forward and putting my arms around his waist and put my head on his chest, tilting my head back so I could see his eye's, I told him how I felt and I meant it, every single word.

"Brent Simons, I falling for you too" pulling him closer in the hug, Brent had other ideas and tilting his head down so his lips could meet mine, as his sister's shouted and hollered.

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