Back To Normal (You Think?)

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Do you know the what the most annoying sound in the world is, well it's a bloody alarm clock that doesn't shut up while you are trying to sleep and then moves about avoiding your attempted to silence it with your hand, that's what!

Resigned to the fact that I had to open my eyes to find the offending noisey object, but I also had to throw back my covers to reach it, as my previous attempts to silence it had pushed it to the far extremities of my cabinet.

Reluctantly I rose and padded to the bathroom for a fresh invigorating shower and to do my morning necessities.

An hour later I was wash, dressed and fed, now to find out if I still had a job, grabbing my essentials and stuffing them in my jeans pockets, I ventured out of my flat and down to the street below and that was where my life went to hell.

Here I was thinking back home everything will go back to normal, boy was I woefully mistaken.

As soon as a set foot outside the main front door it started.

"Miss Wallace, Miss Wallace,

"are you......"

"Have you......."

Luckily there were only six reporters outside, I presume waiting to see if Brent left then they could print scandalous things about us, well tough guys, he ain't here.

"Sorry to disappoint you guy's, but Brent isn't here, so looks like you've had a wasted trip" I had to speak loud to be heard above their incesent shouts.

"We know" came a shout from one of the men "It's you we have come to see"

That made me stop and gaze at the man who spoke.

"Why on earth would you waste your time on me" I asked earnestly.

As the group all started to speak at once, I shouted.

"one at a time please otherwise I'm gone, now how about your question first and if we could do this whilst walking I would be grateful, don't want to be late for work first day back"

This caused a ripple of laughter, but the guys complied with my wishes, albeit a very slow shuffle, but the random reporter I had pointed to spoke.

"Is it true, that you and Brent had a heated argument and split up"

I chuckled at that.

"Well we certainly got heated" I winked that caused more laughter "but we are still together, Brent just couldn't keep up with me so he's gone to Hollywood to recover" more laughter.

"No but seriously" I added "Brent had to go and see about a new film opportunity, he asked me to go but I can't just up and leave work, I have bills to pay you know"

And so the interrogation went on, I had to keep reminding them one question at a time and chastised a couple of the reporters who's questions were down right intrusive and rude, but all in all they were respectful and didn't harass, or block me in.

Eventually I made it to the salon, only 15 minutes late and raising my hand and shouted to be heard.

"Thank you gentlemen that's all I have time for now, unless you want to make an appointment with me to have your hair done then we can continue our chat, ladies only I'm afraid, sexist I know but hey that's life" and to more laughter I entered the shop.

I ran to the kitchen and collapsed on one of the stools, trembling like a leaf.

"Are you all right" Mrs Young the owner asked.

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