Chapter Five- Edited.

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As Lauren sat in front of the bowl of the toilet that morning, she still couldn't get last nights dream out of her mind. 

She had woken up in a cold sweat, her body shaking as she held the covers close to her. Even though it was just a dream, she still felt a sting in her chest at the words Sebastian had said to her.

Don't want a baby.

Get rid of it.

I was lying.

Just another slut.

Whore like you.

She flinched at the last two. Lauren didn't think she was a whore or a slut. Yes she had slept with a stranger, but she was a virgin before that and had done nothing more with a guy than a peck on the cheek before either. 

She didn't know what brought on such dream, maybe it was the fact that the talk with Sebastian didn't go as well as she had secretly hoped. All she knew though was that she was struggling to to believe the real Sebastian's words when the man in her dream had said his words with such power and confidence behind them.

Lauren knew it was stupid to believe something her mind had conjured, but it was hard. 

Even though she had gone to bed extremely early yesterday, considering Liam took her up in the early evening, Lauren still felt tired and devoid of energy. She didn't know if it was to do with the pregnancy or what, but she hated the feeling of having no energy and all she wanted to do was flop on her back and just fall asleep in the same spot she fell.

''Lauren, you ready to go?'' Liam shouted from downstairs, unaware of Lauren's position over the toilet bowl. She had just shouted down at him that she was going to get ready so they could leave, but then morning sickness decided to announce its presence and she had been emptying her stomach contents in the toilet for the last fifteen minutes.

''Not yet, need ten more minutes.'' Lauren shouted back, wiping her mouth before flushing the toilet. She felt well enough to move from her seat on the ground, and with wobbly arms she pushed herself up. 

In less than ten minutes, Lauren had brushed her teeth, pulled her hair up into a messy pony tail and chucked on a pair of shorts and a long sleeved shirt. Weather in Britain was strange, one day you could be wearing jeans and a jumper, the next you could be wearing flip flops and shorts. 

After splashing her face with cold water, Lauren patted her face dry and walked down stairs to meet her brother. He was still in the orange jumpsuit, but it wasn't wrinkled in any places so Lauren guessed he must have not slept in it last night. She didn't blame him, that thing looked extremely uncomfortable.

''Come on then, I wanna make it to McDonald's breakfast before it gets switched.'' Lauren picked up her keys for the car and grabbed her purse before walking out. She was lucky that with the money she had gotten from her parents she could do an intense course for driving, one where she could pass within two weeks so she didn't have to take the bus or walk the long journey to college every day. 

Also with the money, she decided to spoil herself a bit. Walking to the car that was hers, she heard Liam whistle from behind her and grinned. The car was a beauty, she had to admit.

''1967 Ford Mustang fastback.'' Liam marvelled, walking up to the car to caress the roof. ''She's beautiful.'' 

''And she's yours now.'' Lauren replied. As much as she loved the car, with a baby on the way she wanted something a little more practical and less speedy for her. Maybe another old car, she loved the classics.

An accident, but no mistake. EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now