Chapter 19. He's okay-ish

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Emma's POV

The drive to the hospital felt like someone was stabbing me with thousants of daggers.

The second James parked at the hospital parking lot, he and I waited for no one. We rushed inside leaving Demi and Charlotte behind.

Walking -more like running- to the front office, I breathed heavily and looked at the woman behind the desk. "Nathan Stone. He had an accident earlier. Where is he?" I demanded

"Miss calm down, please." She said.

James was beside me in a second and he placed his hand over mine that was resting on the desk "We're here for Nathan Stone." He repeated "Do you know where he is or someone who can inform us about his condition?" He asked in a much more collected tone than the one I had used.

The woman typed something on the computer and I tapped my fingers nervously on the desk. She looked at us "Yes, he is here. Accident with motorcycle. Are you his family?"

"No. We're his friends." James answered.

"I'm sorry but I can't give you more information right now. You'll have to wait until someone related to him comes in."

"You're kidding me , right?" I exclamed raising my voice "My friend is in there, he's hurt and you tell me I have to fucking wait?!"

"Emma!!" James said pulling me away "Calm down." He turned to the woman "Thank you."

He then dragged me further away with him "His mom will be here soon. We have to wait."

I ran a hand through my hair. I could feel the tears threatening to escape my eyes. "I can't lose him James."

He pulled me in for a hug "You won't lose him. It's Nate... he'll be okay. We won't lose him."

He repeated as I sobbed into his chest. He then pulled away and made me look at him "But I need you to do something for me okay? No, actually do it for Nate." I nodded and he continued " His mom has already lost someone, her husband. Try to be strong once she gets here okay? She needs us now to be strong for her."

I nodded "You're right."

He motioned over to where Demi and Charlotte were seated "Go sit over there. I'll call his mom to see where she is."

Once again, the waiting, this time until Nate's mom got to the hospital, was agonizing.

A few minutes before she arrived, Chris and Stella arrived.

The state I was in though, didn't exactly allow me to ask why they were together or what had happened between them. That was something we could talk about later.

All that mattered then was Nate.

Those moments are a blur in my mind, but I remember sitting with my head in my hands and looking at the floor when I heard the sound of high heels echoing on the hospital corridors. The footsteps were rushed and soon Demi's hand that was going in curcles on my back stopped.

I looked up and immediately stood up. "Mrs Stone."

"Were is he?" She asked. All color was lost from her face.

I shook my head "They won't tell us anything because we're not family."

She nodded and walked over to the front office.

Moments later a doctor walked out and walked over to where Nate's mom was. James and I rushed over there too.

"I'm Dr Thomson. It appears that your son was going extremely fast and that's what caused the accident, that is also the cause of his injuries. He has a couple broken ribs which won't allow him to move easily for a while but we're in the middle of operating him because he's hit his head too." The middle aged doctor said looking at Mrs Stone with a polite look on his face.

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