Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4:- The Water Fight

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What do these Fab5 members think of themselves? I hate them all. I mean, seriously I was just sitting there and she just came and started bashing me. What was the point of this? Aiyappa I can't believe how arrogant these people are!

But yes squeezing that sauce all over Manik was worth. Nandini Murty way to go.

I entered the washroom and splashed water on my face. I was about to wipe my face with towel out of nowhere the door of the washroom flung open and he was there with blood shot red eyes. He closed the door and locked it up. I was scared.

Aiayappa! What is wrong with this guy?

"How dare you how bloody dare you do that?" He shouted and came close to me. He my arms and pinned me to the wall.

"What's wrong with you?" I said and started pushing him but little did I know my petite figure is nothing against his monster body.

"Listen you're gonna pay real bad for this. " He said and came real close to my face and I closed my eyes in fear.

Just then I felt something wet and before I could figure it out I was drenched, he splashed an entire mug of water on my face.

"That's what you deserve" he said.

"Manik. What do you think of yourself? I'm going to complain against you to the principal." I said.

"Oh.. My god.. Really? Aw.. I'm scared" he said being sarcastic and I stared at him in anger.

"You really are very innocent. Do you even know who am I? I'm the son of the person so owns this college." He said and I widened my eyes.

"Happy realisation." He said and patted my cheeks using his hands. I glared at him and shooed his hand away.

"Nandini. Just don't mess with us ok. You won't be able to take it" he warned me.

"Oh! Really Manik thanks for your advice but you know what I really don't need that. You don't need to let me know what I do and what I don't. Wait I have a better idea for you. Why don't you keep giving those advices to yourself and improve yourself from a monster to human?!" I asked him while crossing my arms around my chest.

"Hey. You tiny little thing. Stop talking like that to me." he said.

"If you are a giant monster then that doesn't mean others have to be 'tiny little thing' tell me something do you always talk rubbish or is it a special day today?" I asked him while imitating his tone and he glared at me.

"You better stop now" he said.

"And what if I don't?" I said imitating him.

"Nandini.." He said in an angry tone and pinned me to the wall he came close to me. This time I didn't close my eyes rather kept looking into his. I'm done being scared.

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