Chapter 2: So The Drama Begins (Picture of Zac)

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Getting to spend the entire morning shopping with my most favorite person in the world, was the best thing I could possibly ask for...Zac managed to brighten up my bad morning by being such a great boyfriend. Someone up there was looking out for me when they cancelled my class for today!

Zac was always such a sweetheart when it came to me going crazy with buying new clothes and shoes. I had an abundently over healthy wardrobe as I liked to call it.

Now that I've lost the weight and managed to keep it off, I actually enjoyed raiding all the clearance racks for the best deals. We spent a few hours shopping then went to meet up with our parents for lunch at Tao Restaurant.

We tried to at least meet up with them once a week for either lunch or dinner to catch up with one another. Never mind the fact that Zac could've just filled them in on everything since he pratically  saw them every day for his internship.

Our relationship with our parents have gotten closer over these past four years. Lunch with the parents went by smoothly and soon we were in the car on our way back home.

It basically consisted of them telling us about the cases that were currently on trial and then grilling me on what my plans were after graduation.

They wanted to know if I planned on staying in New York or moving to Paris to work with Aunt Elisha. As much as I wanted to move to France, I'd have to say I was currently undecided. I needed to see how everything played out between Zac and I.

"Did I make your day any better?" Zac asked smirking at me while his eyes glanced over at me quickly before turning back to the road.

Yum I just loved the way he looked when driving...he was leaned back comfortably in the seat with his left hand gripping onto the top of the steering wheel flexing his muscular biceps. His right arm rested on the center console where our hands were entwined.

"A little." I answered nonchalantly looking out the passenger window.

His eyebrows raised up in curiousity as he took a sideways peek at me. "That's it? Just a little?" His voice laced with disappointment as a small frown began tugging at the corner of his lips.

I bit down on the side of my lip and fought back a smile. "Mmm-Hmm...but you know what?" I nodded my head suggestively as I tapped my finger against the side of my chin. "I think I know a way you can make it a whole lot better." I hinted while trying my best to look as though I was deep in thought.

We were stopped at a red light at this point a few blocks away from the apartment complex. I watched as a huge grin slowly spread across Zac's face he leaned over the center console, his mint green gaze burning into me....causing my body to unconsciously gravitate towards his. 

"Oh yeah? And just what might that be?" His voice came out husky and deep as he stared at me hungrily.

My breath caught in my throat at our close proximity. Handsome isn't a good enough word to describe Zac..perfection was more like it. Often times I catch myself just staring at him and wondering how in the hell I got so lucky.

I can remember the first time Zac made love to me like it was yesterday. He made me wait until we were together for six months before he finally gave in! Yeah...tell me about it!

I was so ready for him to run his hands all over my body a week after we got together...does that make me sound like a complete skank? But of course, Zac wasn't having any of that.

Even though I reiterated to him just how much I needed him time and time again. I mean I've known him my whole life, so it wasn't like I hardly knew I was practically in love with the boy all my life...I just didn't realize it until recently. He wanted to make sure this is what I really wanted.

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