#22 Weird thing he does

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Harry: When he doesn't have his glasses on, in the morning mostly, and he can't find them, he walks with his arms streched in front of him. Nothing too weird so far, but when he touches something, even though he know perfectly well what it is, he makes stupid guesses, like "this must be the bed" when he touched the table of the living room.

Ron: He hides things absolutely everywhere. Mostly food, by the way. When you go to bed, you can be sure you're going to find ham or sausages under his pillow. Don't worry, his food is perfectly packed so it doesn't stain the sheets and there is no smell either. 

Draco: Draco acts completly differently at school, when you're alone together and when his parents are around. He acts possessively and darkly when you guys are with his friends, he doesn't mind being clingy, vulnerable or even goofy when he's alone with you, but when he's the strangest is with his parents. He's serious and emotionless, basically the exact opposite of the rest of the time. 

Fred: He's a Weasley, what's more he's Fred Weasley, so he's always weird. But what is really weird is that he always tickles you in the most random situations. It gets really awkward when he tickles you when things get heated between the two of you. Yes he does it often, and yes, he finds it funny. 

George: He really likes to show you off to his family. It's cute, at first, but it gets weird quickly because he never stops, even though you met his family a few times. "Hey, Charlie, look, that's my girlfriend Y/N Parkinson! She's a seventh year Slytherin prefect, she got 12 OWLs, just like Bill. Also she's pretty and I love her, and..." Sometimes, it's really embarrassing.

Oliver: The two of you being equally competitive, you often insult him for fun. When you do it, he'd pick you up however he can and spin you around until you apologize. He's also very fussy, so he cleans everything at least three times before putting it where it belongs. 

Neville: He's very insecure about a lot of things so he tends to embarrass himself a lot. He trips on his own feet quite often, drops a lot of things and so on, but it's not weird, it's cute. But since he hates being embarrassed, he tends to hide himslef in the restrooms, in broomclosets, in his bed... 

Charlie: Charlie has five younger siblings, so one would think that since he's used to children, he likes them a lot and knows how to take care of them. But the truth is, kids make him really uneasy, especially babies and toddlers, he's afraid to hurt them and hates to hear them cry. So when you're asked to look over baby James II, you're sure you won't see Charlie until Ginny's son is asleep.

Percy: Percy's glasses often fall from his nose. Usually, he would put them back in place in a kind of severe move that suits his personality. But when his hands are full or when there is no one around to judge him, he'd just  scrunch up his nose until his glasses are in a good place. Lots of people do that, but when Percy does it, it's just... shocking.

+ Marauders' era 

James: He talks in his sleep. It never fails to wake you up, but you can't really blame him because he can't help it. Sometimes, you make fun of him by asking random or embarrassing questions, knowing he won't be able to lie. Of course you stopped when you asked him who he loved the most between you and Sirius and didn't get an answer.

Sirius: Sirius often drinks too fast, so Sirius burps a lot. Every single freaking time, he'd accuse James or Peter and sometimes Remus, which can be really awkward when you are alone with Sirius and you know his friends are somewhere else.

Remus: It's weird and awkward and you hate it when he calls you James. You know he's only mocking you but you can't help but wonder if Remus really wants to date you or if he'd rather date your brother.

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