#39 You fight

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A/N: I think this had been requested a few times, though I don't really remember who exactly asked for something like this. Also this chapter had been done for a few days but I didn't really feel like posting it on Valentine's day x) I'm not really good at writing fights so I hope it's alright!

Harry: Harry had been in a terrible mood lately, because of Umbridge and her crap rules. You had tried to be understanding at first, but at some point, his constant random snapping got on your nerves. 

"Hun, why don't you go to Dumbledore's office?" You tried to ask for the umpteenth time, hoping maybe this time he would actually listen.

"I can't, I don't want to give her that satisfaction, I've already told you that about a milion time." He said, getting  angry, as he rubbed the back of his hand, on which you could read 'I must not tell lies'.

"But she's torturing you! You can't-" you started and reached for his hand but he moved away.

"Don't bloody tell me what I can't do, Y/N!" Harry yelled, though he didn't mean to say it that loud, it just needed to come out. "What can you do to help me?"

"Not much but I'm trying!"you defended yourself, a bit offensed because you had tried everything you could to help him but he wasn't exactly receptive. "You just never listen or pay attention and-" you interrupted yourself when you saw him roll his eyes with a 'tch'. "You know what? I'm done with you."

With that, you stormed out the room, leaving Harry completly dumbfounded.

Ron: You were fulming when you walked to Gryffindor's table for dinner. You were completly soaked and got even more angry when you saw your boyfriend sitting at the table, laughing with his friends.

"Hey Y/N!" Ron greeted you happily when he saw you walking towards him. "How comes you're wet?"

"Oh, I don't know." you said sarcastically as Hermione turned to Harry and whispered 'maybe lord Voldemort' in Harry's ear and they both giggled quietly. "Maybe because I was waiting outside, in the rain, for my boyfriend to take me on the date we had planned?"

"Your boyfr-" Ron repeated confusedly "wait, we had a date tonight?"

"Yes we did!" You yelled, making the entire Great Hall turn to you.

"Don't be like that, it's only one date! I'm sorry, we can have it tomorow if you want." Ron replied, his ears already crimson.

"It's not only one, Ronald!" You said, frustrated "There also was one yesterday night, and last week and the week before. You know what, if you don't want to see me you could just say it!" you were crying now and quickly ran away before he could say anything.

Draco: "Seriously, Y/N, don't you ever shut up?" Draco snapped after you sassed him for the umpteenth time despite the fact that he had already told you he wasn't in the mood.

"What?" You said, a bit confused and feeling so offended. "That's so offensive Draco!"

"Is it?" Draco groaned. "And you always sassing me, making fun of me and trying to humiliate me in front of everyone isn't offensive?"

"I'm really sorry that I did hurt your feeling, your majesty." You replied, rolling your eyes. "Where did you leave your sense of humor, bae? Tell me, I'll go and get it for you if you're busy."

"It's not even about humor, for Merlin's sake." he said, his voice shaking a bit in anger. "It's... You are- I- You're so fucking annoying sometimes, you don't even realize you're pissing me off all the freaking time, and you-"

"Oh man" you sighed sheepishly, as you understood that you had really messed up this time. "I'm sorry Draco I really didn't mean to upset you, I-"

"You know what?" Draco said and turned his back to you. "You should leave me alone for a while."

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