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"I wanna look back and say, I did all that I could"

Nine Months Ago

Walking out those doors, for the forth time Tobias expects for Tris to be standing where she stood three times before. But instead, his friend Zeke stands in that place.

"Hey man." He says, his shoes stepping over the snow covered ground now. The outside going from bare and cold, to flurried white and cold.

"Hey." Zeke grins a small smile, knowing his friend is wondering where his fiancée is.

"You uh, know why Tris didn't show?" Tobias asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

Zeke lets out a sigh, and by that one look shown in his eyes Tobias knows the words Zeke can't bring himself to say.

"When?" He asks instead, looking down at his feet.

"She called me, asking if I could pick you up from here in two months unless I heard from her again about it." Zeke says.

"And you didn't."

"No," Zeke says, watching his friend slowly break. "I'm sorry Tobias."

Tobias shakes his head, trying to keep himself together. He had been expecting this day, but not like this. He thought she'd at least break it off with him face to face, not having to find out two months later through someone else.

Tobias just shrugs, "I'm a damn drunk, and I was no good for her. It was bound to happen."

Walking to the passenger side, Zeke looks at him. "You made a mistake--"

"Four times?!"

Tobias gets in followed by Zeke, "Did she say anything else?"

He finally asks it, after minutes of them sitting there in silence.

"Said she still loved you," Tobias looks out the window. "but that her heart was in pieces."

Tobias runs his hand over his mouth as the tears burn his eyes, "I did that. I broke the most valuable thing I ever had."

/ / / /

Present Day

Showing up at the same building, she walks the hall she did the time before. Dressed in jeans and a simple cream top with a green scarf.

Her mind is spinning with thoughts and her heart beats with nerves and emotions she knows shouldn't have.

Al had asked her about calling him up, an hour after Tobias showed up professing his love for her. And all she could do was nod, or shrug... she was still in shock.

"Tobias." She says as she watches him walk to the elevator, as his meeting just got done.

His head turns with a small smirk as he knows the voice absolutely anywhere. "Tris."

Nodding he pushes the button down, waiting for the doors to open so he can get on.

"Can I talk to you?" She asks, taking in a deep breath. Her head fogged and her anxiety reaching a new level.

Tobias watches the doors open, "Depends what it's about."

Both getting on, Tris leaning against the wall and Tobias stands near the buttons.

"I need to talk to you about last night." She says very matter of fact like.

Tobias smirk stays put on his lips, listening to the tone change in her voice.

"You can't just show up like that and--" Cutting her off, Tobias turns to face her.

"Tris," She sighs as his voice fills the small box. Something she knows he isn't fond of. "I'm tired of doing this."

"Doing what?"

"This. One of us saying something, speaking out minds and then the other having to show up and explain it all. Making everything more messy and complicated."

Tris scoffs, "You're the one who goes and makes things messy, and more complicated. Showing up at my house, and saying those things to me when you know I'm getting married in less than a week!"

Her voice raises, but Tobias doesn't look away.

Instead he walks closer, till he's hovering over her. Then pressing his lips to her in such a moment of passion, she can't help but kiss back.

 Then pressing his lips to her in such a moment of passion, she can't help but kiss back

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Tris doesn't want to fall for it, she doesn't want her body to respond the way it does. But she can't help it, she can't help what feels so real, so familiar, so right.

The feel of their lips moving together as one, brings back the memories for both of them of the days when this was their hello and goodbye. I love you and I hate yous. When this was their day to day life.

Tobias pulls back just far enough to still look deep into those grey blue eyes.

"I'm done talkin Tris," She looks up through her mascara covered lashes at him. "yes or no, that's all I'm lookin for."

Her heart beats harder and faster with every word that comes from his mouth, "It's not that easy."

She finds herself saying, and at this point it isn't her brain or her mouth saying the words now... it's her heart.

"I love you," Tobias tells her. "that's it, it is that easy. I always have and you're just gonna have to deal with that fact that that isn't going to change."

The light ding of the elevator opening on the lobby floor, and Tobias walks away.

Leaving Tris with a tingling numb feeling on her lips, and an aching sickness in her stomach.

A/N: Hey all! Kind of a short chapter, but I really love the Gif and drama made between them.

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