forty one

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"And I'm making you a promise. I'm gonna make it count."

Present Day

The sweet and soft notes of the piano fill the air, and Tobias stands at the alter in their vast and beautiful field. Adorned with white and pink rose petals, with their guests all seated. Zeke standing to the left of him.

Tobias can feel the nerves soaring through him, and the anxiety pumping inside him. But most of all, the love swelling in his heart. At the end of today, he will get to call Tris his wife. His one true love... His.

As the blue slowly fades in the sky, and is soon blended with pinks and peaches, the music strums a new song. The guests stand and the doors from the house slowly open.

And there, stepping down from the porch and onto the waiting white rose petal trail to the alter, stands his love.

The lace clings to her skin in just the right way, and the light sparkles off the delicate sequins. Tris's beauty radiating off her like rays of sunshine. In her hands a bouquet of roses, shades mixing from white to pinks.

Her shy smile is lined with light pink and love, and as she walks her eyes never leave Tobias's. Holding a gaze with him the whole way.

And it's as she walking towards him, her arm hooked into her fathers, that the day suddenly feels real.

This fairytale like dream is truly a reality.

Finally reaching him, Tobias holds his hand out for her to take and without hesitation she takes it.

"We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Tobias Eaton and Beatrice Prior."

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Three Years Ago

"You warm enough?" Tobias asks for the third time, making Tris laugh.

"I'm just fine Tobias." She tells him, as they walk together after leaving the restaurant they were at for their fourth date.

"It's just a little chillier than I thought it would be tonight, and I don't want you getting sick, or fre--"

Tris touches his arm gently, stopping and making Tobias stop his rambling to look down at her.

"You're very thoughtful." She whispers looking up into his eyes. The shade of blue something she has yet to get used to. Loosing herself in them each time she looks at him.

"Did you have a good time?" Tobias asks nervously.

Tris smiles, "I did, but I always do when I'm with you."

That makes Tobias's heart beat faster and a warm feeling rise inside him.

Still holding onto his arms gently, Tris reaches up slowly. And for the first time, presses her lips against his.

And magic erupts between them, their first kiss as blissful and magical as they imagined it would be. Even more.

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Present Day

"The bride and groom will now share vows they have written for each other."

Pink paints the sky as the sun sets behind them, and the music fades into the background as they look at each other.

Tobias reaches into his jacket pocket and grabs the small folded up sheet of paper.

Unfolding it and flattening it out the best he can, he lets out a deep breath.

"Tris," He begins, looking at his paper and then up to meet her eyes. "the moment I met you I knew. I knew it was going to be you in the end of it all, I knew you were who I was meant to be with."

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