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"No, I can't remember never loving you,"

Three Years Ago

The room was warm from the burning fire in the fireplace, and warmer for they were wrapped tightly in each other's arms.

"Tris?" Tobias's voice is soft as he whispers in her ear. His breath tickles her ear, but she loves his sated voice after they had just made love.

"Hmm?" She hums back, nuzzling her head back against this chest. Never ever wanting to leave this moment.

"If I die," That makes her perk up however, sitting up and turning to look at Tobias who rests back against the pillow placed on the floor. "Promise me you'll remember the good times with me, and not all the pain I caused you."

His face is serious and behind the beautiful blue of his eyes Tris sees fear. He's scared, and he's right to be. Tris is scared too, but she can't let him see her fear right now. He needs her to be strong so he can be weak. She needs to be his rock when everything else is wavering. She needs to be there for him.

"Tobias, you are not going to die."

Tobias wants to tell her he will, he wants to tell her she doesn't know what will happen. But he holds back. He doesn't want to worry her more. He needs to be strong for her right now, he needs to be here because if he does leave... he'd never forgive himself.

"Tobias, look at me." Tris presses her hand gently to his cheek, and the warmth of her skin floods into Tobias's face.

"You are not going to die. You may not believe me, and I may not have all the answers, but this I know. You know how I know? Because it isn't your time. You are not finished yet, we are not finished yet. "

Tris looks at Tobias with such love and adoration, Tobias wonders if she's forgotten the cancer killing him from the inside out. Because she looks at him as though he isn't damaged, as if he's completely whole.

"Tobias, my love, you are going to beat this cancer. You are going to beat it and survive and live on. You are going to live on because we have a life to live together. More adventures to have, more love to make, more experiences to feel. You and me Tobias."

Tris gave Tobias a strength he didn't know was possible, Tris was what kept him going when he couldn't see any light at the end of the tunnel. No matter where life would take them, no matter the battles, Tobias knew he could make it through anything as long as he had Tris.

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Present Day-- 4 Years Later

"Melody, be careful. Don't stray from the path." Tobias calls out to his daughter who goes running ahead of him down the familiar path he walks once a week.

It's a beautiful day, the sun out and shining brightly over the two of them. The rays beaming through the braches of the fully bloomed trees and the weather is warm. There isn't a cloud in the sky and it is the bluest of blues. The breeze is soft as it blows against Tobias, and he feels peace as he walks.

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