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"When I've forgotten, Baby you remind me."

Present Day

"Yeah, I can bring that." Tris says, as she talks on the phone with one of Tobias's friends.

She's been planning this party for the last week, knowing that she wanted to do something big for his birthday this year. Even if he did hate parties.

Hanging up after the conversation ends, Tobias walks in and kisses Tris's forehead. "So many phone calls this week."

"mhm." She hums.

"What's the big thing going on?" He asks wrapping an arm around her waist.

She leans into his side, "nothin."

"mhm." It was Tobias's turn to hum a reply, as he can clearly tell she's hiding something.

Kissing his cheek, Tris heads to the bedroom to change.

"You want to go out to dinner tonight?" She asks, deciding on an outfit from the closet she's put a lot of her clothes in.

Tobias laughs from the doorway, "What's going on Tris?"

She looks at him, tilting her head. "Nothing! I just want to go out to dinner with you tonight, what's so wrong with that?!"

He had told her year after year, for many different occasions that he hated parties. Hated surprise parties, hated any type of party. And tonight, Tris planned to defy his wishes of under no circumstances ever throwing him a party.

"Alright." Tobias nods, agreeing to it rather than getting himself into the doghouse with her tonight.

An hour later as the clock hit seven thirty, they headed out. To the place Tris requested.

Getting out of the car, Tris takes Tobias's hand. Feeling him squeeze hers softly through her gloves. Snow falling all around them, covering everything in a thin sparkling blanket.

Smiling up at him, they walk to the door. Opening it and walking in, the place erupts into "surprise!"

Making Tobias laugh and shake his head, seeing all his friends and everyone here that gathered.

"You." He says to Tris, watching her smile.

"Me." She shrugs, kissing his cheek.

The music gets turned up louder, as they walk in more.

"Did you know bout this?" Tobias asks Zeke, and watches him shrug- still knowing that he knew.

"Those were all those calls this week weren't they, about the party?" Tobias asks and she nods.

"I know you hate parties," She laughs. "I know you do, but love... you deserve this party."

Kissing her slowly, Tobias smiles. "Thank you."

/ / / /

Two Years Ago

Walking in with snowflakes melting on his coat, and his cheeks pinched a rosy pink, Tobias enters the Prior's household.

Getting invited to spend Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day with them.

"I can feel your nerves from here," Tris comments, taking his coat at the door and hanging it up. Her parents and brother in the other room. "it's going to be fine."

Looking into her eyes for anything that says other wise, Tobias fails to find any and nods his head.

"What if your father--"

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