fifty one

712 41 16

"I know the rain may fall, And the clouds roll in,"

Present Day-- (Time Lapse- 1 Year)

Tobias sits in the uncomfortable folding chairs that are lined in rows as he listens to one of his fellow members of AA speak at the podium up front. The man speaks of the same feelings everyone in that room has felt at least once in their lives. As the man wraps up and steps off stage, someone taps Tobias's shoulder.

"This seat taken?" Her voice is soft, not to make a scene, and she sounds familiar. And turning to look at the woman standing behind him, he knows exactly who it is.

"Ashley." Tobias smiles kindly at her, as she sits down beside him. She looks different after all the time that has passed.

"Tobias," She smiles back, as the next person takes the podium. "I wondered if you would recognize me."

It had been years upon years since Tobias had seen Ashley, yet she looked exactly how he remembered. All bright green eyes and pale white blond hair. They were old friends, before he had even met Tris. They never dated per say, yet they slept together a few times.

"Of course I do." He nods at her, and it feels like a blast from the past.

He never had feelings for her like he had for Tris, but he did sleep with her only once after he heard Tris left him after his last stint in rehab. He thought she could get his mind off the girl he lost, but it didn't work. And it didn't help that Ashley too had a drinking problem, and it wasn't something he wanted to be around any more. He wanted to prove to him and Tris, at the time, that he could indeed get sober and stay that way.

Tobias felt happy to see Ashley, seeing she's doing well and after all this time. But he can't help feel a odd sensation in his gut, as if this is a test of some sort.

|      |     |     |

Three Years Ago

"Can I ask you something?" Tris speaks up one night as she and Tobias are walking the streets after dinner. They've been taking things slow, wanting to make sure this time is the time things work out.

"Of course." Tobias replies, squeezing Tris's hand gently.

"You don't have to answer it if it's too personal I just--"

"You deserve answers to any question you could possibly have Tris." He tells her, and she takes a deep breath.

"Did you, did you sleep with anyone? When we weren't together?" She asks. She wants to know, she was with Al, but she was curious as to whether or not Tobias saw anyone else.

"One." Tobias says, being honest.

"Was it serious?"

Tobias stifles a small laugh, "No. She was an old friend, Ash, she was also a friend with benefits at times long ago. I slept with her once because I wanted to know I could get you out of my mind, and even then I couldn't. I never stopped thinking about you after you left."

"It was always ever going to be you Tris."

|     |     |     | 

Present Day

"How was your meeting?" Tris asks Tobias over dinner, as she feeds Melody in the high chair beside her.

Things between Tris and Tobias over the past few months had been... strained. Something that was there had suddenly began to fade. For Tobias, it was the fact that Tris was working all the times and when she was home the only attention she was able to give was to their growing daughter. For Tris, it was trying to juggle everything in life. And knowing she was failing, yet she kept trying.

"Fine," Tobias looks at his daughter who giggles wildly as she eats. "Saw an old friend there today."

"Really?" Tris tries her best to sound interested, but she's exhausted.

"We're going to meet up tomorrow." Tobias tells her, and watches his wife's face for any sign of emotion. Any interest, anything. He finds none.

"Melody has a doctors appointment tomorrow, I told you that a week ago." Tris looks to her husband.

"Do you really want me there?" He asks, because Tobias knows Tris hasn't been wanting him around much lately. No, she's never said the words, but he can feel it.

"I wish you had remembered, that's what I wanted." Tris says, taking a drink of her water.

"We'll only be out for an hour or two, I just want to catch up with her."

"Her?" Tris questions, and moves to pick Melody up. Carrying her into her playpen so she can play before her bath, as Tris begins to clean up dinner.

"Ashley, she's in my AA meetings now."


"What's with the tone?" Tobias asks, carrying his plate to the sink.

"There's no tone Tobias," She pauses. "I just think it's a bit interesting that you would want to go meet up with an ex, instead of going to your daughter's doctor appointment."

"She isn't an ex, we never dated. And if you don't want me to see her, just tell me."

"No, she's just someone you slept with. Multiple times. And if I told you not to go, it's not like you would really listen."

Tobias mumbles under his breath, something Tris can't make out and she isn't sure she wants to even know what it is he said.

"What's the matter with you lately?" She asks, stopping cleaning up and looking to her husband.

Tobias wonders if he should just lie to her, not make this into another fight. But he decides to tell her the truth.


"Me?" Tris asks.

"You work, and you work. And I'm fine with that Tris, really I am. But you work, and then you come home and care for Melody, and there's nothing left for me. I know it sounds selfish, but I'm here too Tris. You haven't looked at me like you used to, in months. It's as if you don't even know I'm here, that you don't even care."

"I do care Tobias, and you have no right to say those things to me."

"I do Tris, because you treat me like you would be fine if I wasn't even here at night."

"Tobias," Tris shakes her head. "Fine. You want some attention, go get it from Ash. That's why you're meeting with her isn't it?"

Tobias is a bit taken a back from her raised voice.

"Then go, I give you permission. And if you think I don't care about you, then don't come home. I'm trying my best here Tobias, really I am. But if you can't see that," Tris shakes her head. "Then leave."

Tris walks away, picking up their daughter and takes her into the bathroom for her bath. Leaving Tobias with a spinning mind, nauseous stomach, and guilty heart.

A/N: I know, long time lapse. But this is a story line that I needed to add for the story to keep going in the direction I'm planning. I hope this chapter isn't too bad! I also wanted to let you all know that this story is coming to an end here soon, 10-12 more chapter or so.. I don't know the exact number. But I thought I'd let you all know! :)

From Here On OutOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara