twenty seven

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"You've been singing by my side, Every time that I forget the words."

Present Day

"Yeah," Tris nods, hands on her hips. "just place them on the top shelves. We'll get the genre labels up soon."

Her sleeves were pushed up to her elbows, and she kept having to push her hair out of her face. Finally just pulling up it up into a messy bun, as she directed the people helping her get her store set up.

The whole thing was still surreal, that she was going to have something like this back in her life. Something she could be proud and passionate about all at the same time. Although she had that with Tobias, owning a bookstore was just a little bit different.

"And then the children books I want over--" She's cut off by being hugged from behind. A slight squeal escaping her lips as she's lifted quickly off the ground.

Turning around she's met with Tobias's bright blue eyes, and a smile playing on his lips.

"What are you doing here??" Tris asks, a light laugh and joy flooding her voice. Happy to see him, after hours of stressful working.

Tobias wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "Came to see how my girl's doing."

Simple things like that, the things that could float of his mouth so easily. Without a second thought to them, causing her heart to flutter.

"Do you like it?" She asks, gesturing to the place.

She chose a light baby blue color for the walls, white clouds painted towards the top as a boarder. But adding a fun child like feel, something she wanted to make sure she had.

The furniture was all colors, ranging from a lavender to bright yellow.

There were still boxes laying everywhere, whether they were empty or filled to the brim with books to stack on shelves. 

"I think the place looks amazing," Tobias says, smiling as he looks around. "really Tris. The place looks good."

"I have you to thank you know," Tris says, leaning against the counter. "I never would've dreamed of getting a second chance for this place."

Tobias turns away from the selection of books, and faces her now.

"I think that everyday," Tobias says, choosing to say exactly what's on his mind in that moment. "when it comes to you and I."

Tris smiles, staring at him now. She would've never thought she'd be here, right now. Standing in a dream bookstore that was hers, with Tobias; the absolute love of her life.

It's funny how fate works out, how pain can show just how much love lies underneath. If she hadn't spoken to Tobias that night when he was drinking, the eve of her wedding... she would've gotten married the next day. She knows that. If she hadn't bumped into him again, months later... she would've missed all this that she could've had.

"I love you." Tris says, pulling his face closer to hers so she can kiss him.

|     |     |     |

Two and A Half Years Ago

"So how long have you had this place?" Tobias asks, sitting down in one of the yellow fabric covered chairs. Watching Tris unpack boxes of new orders, placing each new book carefully on the shelves.

"Uh," She thinks for a moment. "two years I think. Probably closer to three though."

Tobias nods, listening to her explain how she first got involved in the shop. And then how she got handed ownership.

It'd been three weeks since that rainy May day when the first met, and ever since they'd been seeing each other multiple times a week. Tobias was already in the stage of falling hard for this girl.

The shop was cute, yet had a sophistication to it too. Light pastel colors adorning the walls, and the furniture. Little kid areas in the corners, and places people could just sit and read. Tris was proud of this place, and the revenue she was making from it as well. You could hear the pride from the way she spoke about the shop.

Tris always loved this place, but there was something new about it that she loved. That single memory she replayed day after day of meeting Tobias.

|      |       |      |

Present Day

"I don't even remember what's in half of these." Tris laughs, as Tobias helps her move a few more boxes into their home. Just boxes that were in an old storage unit from months even a year ago.

"Embarrassing pictures??" Tobias jokes, nudging her as he takes a box to the bedroom. "I hope."

She hears the last part, as she sits down peeling the tape off one. The one that holds all her old high school yearbooks, and photos from that time.

In the next box, a creased photo makes her smile larger. It's one of her and Tobias, early on in their relationship. Running her thumb over the creases, she can't help relive that moment. The time before everything got difficult and complicated, before loving him cost something.

Hearing Tobias's footsteps enter the room again, she speaks up. "Do you remember when we took this?"

Turning around, he stands statue like in the doorway. His hands holding something, his eyes not meeting hers.

"You were pregnant?"

His voice is low, and there's a tone of anger in there. But most of it is just confusion.

Tris stands up, seeing now what he holds. Her eyes widen when she sees it, the one thing she promised herself Tobias would never know... was now coming to light.

A/N: So this chapter might not be great, I was having trouble writing but then an idea came to me so I'm hoping we can get into some more trouble and secrets in the next chapter or two. I also wanted to share that for the next couple weeks I won't be on as much, going through some things at the moment personal/health wise. And I feel bad I won't be updating as much the next few weeks because it's like leaving you guys on a cliff hanger... but I will be back!

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