Chapter 1

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(^^^Picture of Charlotte and Friends^^^)

~Charlotte's POV~

No one really glances at me as I walk into the school. A few glances, yes, but no one said anything. I notice a group of four teenagers staring at me though and whispering. I look away from them, my face reddening. I've never liked having attention.

As I walk into the classroom, I notice there's no one here yet except the teacher. "Good morning. Are you Charlotte Williams, by any chance?" Mrs. Genes asks. I smile and nod. "I'm happy that someone voluntarily takes my class. Most of my students didn't want to take my class but since they were in the 'smart class' last year, they had to come to my class."

"Math is my favorite subject so the guidance counselor recommended I take it."

"Well, I hope you have a good day here. You can sit in the sit right over there." She points to a table in the corner. I say thank you and go sit down.

A while later, the bell rings and everyone comes into the classroom. "Good morning, class. Last night's homework goes into the basket and here's your test. As for you, Charlotte, I'm going to give you a packet that's due at the end of the week. It's just so I know where exactly you're at." I nod and start on the packet.

About thirty minutes into the class, a teenage boy comes strolling in. "Mr. James, what's your excuse for today?" Mrs. Genes asks, not even turning around.

"Don't really have one." The boy responds, pulling his hood off. His dark brown hair is sticking up just a bit.

"Sit down, Mr. James." He smirks and comes over to my desk. He coldly stares at me before dropping his things on the desk and sits in the chair next to mine. He pulls some things out. Mrs. Genes walks over to our desk and looks at the boy. "Can I have your homework?" His smirk grows wider.

"Sorry, Mrs. Genes, but I accidentally left it at home." I look at him and he looks at me out of the corner of his eye.

"...Didn't you just...get it out?" I ask, slowly and feel my face heat up a bit as he looks at me with that cold stare. I turn back to the packet and start working. I hear paper moving and a sigh from Mrs. Genes.

As soon as class is over, the boy is already out of the classroom.

Lunch. The worst time of day when you're new and have no friends. I set my tray on the table and stare at the chicken noodle soup. I start to take a bit into my mouth but then someone stops me. "I wouldn't eat that, New Girl. The noodles are always stale." A boy with green hair warns me, sitting next me. My face goes red and I put my spoon back on my plate.

"Here. This is much better." A girl with blonde hair and pink highlights tells me, sitting on the other side of me, handing me half of a peanut butter sandwich. "Homemade peanut butter. My mom made it this morning."

"I'm fine. I have other things." I tell her. I look at the apple, the banana, the red bell peppers, and the potato chips. She shrugs and takes the sandwich back.

"I think you're scaring her." Another girl with short turquoise hair says, sitting across from me.

"Oops. Sorry." The girl with pink highlights responds. 

"Where's Jade?" The green haired boy asks.

"Right here," says a girl with red hair, Jade, I assume.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I ask, quietly.

"Sorry. I'm Rea," The girl with short turquoise hair responds. "This is Jade," Motioning to the girl with red hair. "And those are the twins Lewis and Luna." They all smile at me.

"...Hi, I'm Charlotte, or Charlie." Luna's face softens and her smile widens, making her eyes crinkle a bit.

"Aww! You're so adorable! All shy!" She takes my face into her hands and squishes my cheeks.

"Stop squeezing Charlotte, Luna." Lewis says, removing her hands from my face.

The bell rings around twenty minutes later and Luna walks with me to our next class. "Come on. You can sit next to me." She pulls me over to a small group of four desks. There's already a boy with dirty blonde hair sitting there, smiling and blushing a bit. "Hey, Henry. This is Charlotte, the new member of our group. Charlie, this is my boyfriend, Henry." Henry smiles, shyly, and waves at me.

"Hi." I say, smiling. Luna sits down next to him and I sit across from her.

"Are you artistic?" Luna asks me. I shake my head.

"It was either art or choir and I can't sing in front of a lot of people so I went with art." They both laugh a little.

"Well, right now we're working on a project so you can just join us." Henry says. I look over at the empty seat. "That's where our other group member sits. We needed a group of three at least but Luna and I were only a group of two so the teacher assigned someone else to our group. He's not very happy about it either."

"Honestly, when has he ever been happy at school?" Luna asks. Henry shrugs. The bell rings just as the boy who stares at me with a very cold stare all day. His eyes darken when he notices me sitting with Luna and Henry. "Good job, Aidan. You weren't late today." Luna smiles, a very generous smile, like an actual smile. He rolls his cold eyes and sits down next to me.

"You have two weeks until you're project is finished. Miss Rodes, Mr. Lander, and Mr. James, I expect you all to fill in the new member of what is to be done." Henry and Luna nod while Aidan rolls his eyes and groans quietly.

"We have to create a family." Aidan says. I stare at him, confused.

"Huh?" I ask.

"We have to create a family like a mom, a dad, children, or something like that. And then we have to draw what we picture they look like. Then create a house out of cardboard and such. And make a little story." Henry informs.

"Fun." I mutter. "What do you have so far?" Luna smiles and pulls two pieces of paper out of her binder.

"We have the mom, Shelby, the dad, Mark, the oldest daughter, Lena, the middle daughter, Lilliana, and the youngest daughter, Laurene. They also have a Saint Bernard, Abby, she's only four months old." Luna says.

"So, we just need to draw them, create the house, and a story?" Henry and Luna nod. "Can I do the story? I would ruin everything else." They nod.

"I'm going to work on the characters." Luna says.

"I guess I get the house." Henry smiles. We all turn to look Aidan.

"I'll just sit back and watch." Aidan smirks.

"No, why don't you help Charlotte with the story?" He groans and sits up in his chair.

After school, Jade took us all home. She took Lewis and Luna home, then Rea, and then me. "Do you like your old school more than this one?" She asks. I shrug.

"I didn't really like anyone at the school but they had good classes. This school may be a bit better." She stops in front of my house. "Thanks, Jade. See you tomorrow."

"See you, Charlie." I go inside and clean the house up.

Bad Boy + Good Girl = ?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora