Chapter 29

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"Stop stressing. You have stress lines and you don't want stress-lined makeup." Luna says, pushing me down onto a chair. I sigh and shake my head.

"I can't help it. I don't know what's going on anywhere but here. Where's my dad?" I ask. Everyone shrugs. The makeup lady, Margret, continues my makeup while Anna, Rea, Luna, and Jade get their hair done.

"Charlie, I'll go out and check everything as soon as the hair's finished, okay?" Rea asks.


"You're the bride. Stop stressing. Let everyone else do it." Margret says. I sigh and sit still.

A couple minutes later, my dad and Jeanine finally come in. "Thank god." I mutter. Margret finishes my lipstick and I stand up, only in a robe. The only thing I have left is my dress, everyone else is their hair. "I was worried. I had no idea where you were and no idea on what is going on out there and-"

"Charlie, calm down." Dad says, squeezing my arms. "Everything's going perfectly. Aidan and his groomsmen are almost ready. The ceremony is going to be great. Now, get your dress on." I nod and Anna pulls my dress off the hanger. I step into it and pull it on with help from Anna and Jeanine. Wendy, the hair lady, fixes my hair slightly and I turn to look in the mirror, smiling, pleased. "You look like your mother. Beautiful." Dad says. I smile.

"I am wearing her wedding dress." He smiles.

Dad and I stand outside the big doors with the others in front of us, my arm wrapped around his. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." I respond without hesitation. "I'm not going to fall." If I say it enough, it's likely not going to happen. Dad laughs. We hear the music play and then the doors open.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest says. Aidan pulls me into him and presses his lips onto mine. I almost forget there's an audience but then I hear he clapping and cheering. "I love you, Charlotte. Everything about you." I smile and blush, listening to him whisper that.

"I love you, Aidan. Everything." He smiles and kisses me again.

Sitting at the table, happy I'm finally able to get off my feet for just a couple of seconds. Aidan joins me a couple minutes later. "Hey, Wife." He says, smiling. "I love that." I smile back. He grabs my hands and squeezes. "Do your feet hurt?" He asks. I nod and smile sheepishly.

"These high heels are absolutely killing me."

"Take them off. No one would mind." I shake my head.

"Absolutely not. I'd definitely be shorter than, like, everyone. At least now I'm the same height as you." He laughs and squeezes my hand.

"Well, then, you have to dance with me and your hurtful feet." I smile and he pulls me up with him. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. "Have I told you how beautiful you look?" I smile and nod. "Well, you're going to be hearing it for the rest of your life. You're so beautiful."

"You're so handsome." He smiles and kisses me. I look over and notice all of our friends and family dancing with someone. There's no one sitting by themselves...but then I notice Linda, sitting at a table, watching everyone else dance. Aidan notices, too, and looks back at me. "Go. I'll be fine." He nods and I walk off the dance floor, watching Aidan walk over to his aunt. She shakes her head at first but then he grabs her hand and pulls her up. I smile, watching them dance.

My eyes drift to the doors and I notice a man standing there. Strange. I walk over to the man. "Oh! Excuse me!" He exclaims, noticing me. "I'm just...just here to see my kids." He's wearing a hat so I can't really see his face.

"Would you like me to go get them?"

"No thank you. I would rather them know I wasn't here."

"Okay...Well, I'm Charlotte-"

"Aidan's bride." He says. I nod, even though it's not a question.

"Do you know Aidan?"

"Uh, yes, I used to...but...things happen." I nod. Then, it clicks.

"Sir, are...are you Arnold James?" He finally looks up at me and I notice he has many similarities with Aidan and Anna. "You're Aidan's dad." He holds a finger up to his lips.

"Please don't tell anyone I was here. I just wanted to see them. I know they'll never forgive me so I just have to look at them from a distance."


"Charlotte, your dad's looking for... You!" Aidan tries to spring at his father but I get in the way.

"He's leaving. Come on. Let's go dance." I tell him, grabbing his arm and pulling him away.

*A Few Hours Later*

Aidan and I pile, well Aidan carries me because I'm too tired, into Rea's car so she can take us to the airport. Aidan and I decided to go to Florida for our honeymoon. That just seems like the best place. "I love you." I whisper.

"I love you, too, Charlotte." He responds, kissing my lips.

When we get on the plane, I almost instantly fall asleep.

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