Chapter 11

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Jeanine and I have to go shopping. We won't be back until extremely late. You can order pizza and your phone is charging in the living room. Don't leave the house!


I crumble up the note and throw it away in the trash. I pour myself some coffee and grab chocolate fudge pop tarts. I sit at the dining table and start outside as it snows.

Someone knocks on the door as I finish my breakfast. I open the door to see Aidan and Anna. I smile and let them inside. "Good morning." I say.

"Good morning." Aidan responds, smiling. "I have to go to work. Can you please watch Anna?" I nod and look over at Anna as she yawns and goes to lay down on my couch. "I just woke her up so she wouldn't be alone when she woke up."

"You know she's twelve years old. She can watch after herself."

"I know but...I feel more comfortable when she's with someone." I nod, understandingly. He takes my hand and pulls me closer. He kissed my cheek and I blush slightly. He smirks, pulling away to look at my red face. "You're so adorable." He mumbles. I blush harder and hide my face with my hands. He pulls my hands away from my face.

"Don't you have to go to work?" I ask, trying to keep the smile off my face, but fail. He smirks and kisses my head.

"I'll see you afterwards. Bye."

"Bye." I wave at him as he walks outside. I grab a blanket from the closet and cover Anna up. I turn on Bob's Burgers.

I get through two episodes before Anna wakes up. She yawns and stretches. "Good morning." I say.

"Good morning." She wraps the blanket around herself and turns to look at me. I sigh when I realize what she's about to ask me. "Aidan wouldn't tell me anything about your date. So, you get to."

"What do you mean? It was a date. We ate, talked, and walked."

"I mean- what happened? You two are obviously something now."

"Yeah, friends." I say, smiling.

"Friends don't kiss each other."

"Friends with benefits?" She rolls her eyes. "Friends kiss each other on the cheek all the time. He kissed my cheek. We didn't kiss on the lips."

"Lies. I saw you last night when you got home. He kissed you and you didn't push him away." I blush and stand up.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, walking into the kitchen. Anna follows me.

"Don't change the subject. Are you dating?"

"Do want something to eat or drink?" I grab a coffee cup and grab mine from the kitchen table. "Coffee?" I start to pour coffee.

"Charlie, answer the question."

"Pop tarts? Toast? Anything?" Anna stops me.


"I don't know, Anna. Right now, I think we're just people who kiss and hold hands." She rolls her eyes.

"Aidan doesn't just do that with anyone."

"...He used to." Her face softens.

"You're special to him. I can tell. I know the sluts he used to bring home and you definitely aren't one of them."

"How do I know he's not using me though?"

"You still don't trust him?" I shrug.

"I'm not very good at trusting people." Anna grabs my hand and squeezes.

"He's really changed since you came. Just give him a chance."

"...Can we please do something else? Let's get you food and then we'll find something to do." She nods and we both get up and go to the kitchen. "What do you want? I have waffles, toast, cereal, etc."

"Ohh, waffles!" I grab the box and put two into the toaster. "Charlie, what are these?" I look behind me to see her looking through papers on the table. I look over her shoulder to see papers for houses that are for sale. "Are you moving?" She asks, looking at me over her shoulder.

"I...don't know. I don't think so..."

"These houses are six hours away from here! You can't move six hours away! You just moved here! You and Aidan just-!"

"Calm down, Anna. I'll ask my dad about it later." I grab the papers and put them on the counter. I put her waffles on a plate and hand them to here. "Want anything on them?" She shakes her head.

"You really can't leave...You're the only one I can talk to..."

"You have your brother and aunt to talk to."

"I can't talk to Aidan about my girl problems because he won't know what to do and I don't feel comfortable talking with my aunt."

"Anna, everything will be okay. I'll talk with my dad, okay?"


Once Anna finishes her waffles, we go to my room and lay on my bed, watching movies and messing with each other. We hear knocking on the front door and both groan. "I'm not moving. Tell Aidan to go away if it's him." Anna mutters, pulling the blanket up closer. I laugh softly and pause the movie.

"I'll be back." I grab the empty popcorn bowl and go answer the door. The cool wind blows in as soon as I open the door and I shiver. I smile at Aidan and let him inside. "Hey." He says.

"Hey." I respond, closing the door behind him. "Anna told me to tell you to go away because she's not moving." He looks into the living room and back at me. "She's in my room. We are watching Horton Hears A Who."

"We have to go home and great ready for Aunt Linda to come." I nod and start to go get Anna when he grabs my hand and pulls me back into his chest. I look up at him and turn around so my back isn't to his chest. Before I can get anything out, he kisses my forehead. "What was that for?" I ask. He shrugs.

"I felt like it."

"...Well, can I go get Anna or are you not going to let me go?" He smirks and brings his face close to mine. His lips inches away from mine. I start blushing. I don't pull away but I also don't meet his lips. I stand still.

"I don't think I'm going to let you go." I blush even harder, making his smirk widen.

"Aidan..." I groan. "Please stop doing this to me."

"Doing what, Charlotte?" He brings his face closer, still not touching my lips but my face reddens even more, if that's possible. "Making you blush?" I glare, playfully, at him. I go to push him away but he grabs my hands and kisses the back of my hands.

"Charlie?" I hear Anna call.

"What?" I ask.

"Whose at the door?"

"Aidan!" I hear her groan and then she slumps into the living room.

"Can't I stay with Charlie, Aidan? We're having fun." He laughs and shakes his head.

"No, Aunt Linda is coming over and we need to clean."

"Well...can Charlie come with us?" They both turn to me. "You can help us with cleaning and cooking. Besides, Linda likes you."

"I can't. Dad said no leaving the house. Sorry..." Anna waves me off and Aidan shrugs.

"See you later, Charlie." Anna hugs me and walks outside.

"See you." Aidan says, squeezing my hand then walking outside. I go back to my room and start reading until I fall asleep around 9:00 pm.

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