Chapter 28

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*Seven Months Later*

Finishing my nails, I pay for all of ours and wait for Rea, Luna, and Jade to finish. I walk over to Luna when I notice she's finished and help her up. "Yours look great." She compliments.

"Thanks. Yours, too." She stretches slightly and pats her stomach. "You look great, Luna."

"Thanks. I just can't wait for him to come out. I want to see him physically, not in a picture." I nod.

"You only have one month left." She nods. We all leave and go out to eat before going to Luna's house so we can get ready to go to get drinks, well, Rea and I will get drinks. Jade and Luna said that it's okay with them if Rea and I drink, they'll just be the supervisors. I pull on a strapless red dress that ends mid-thigh, picked by Luna and Rea. I straighten my hair and do my makeup while the others are also getting ready.

"We're leave at 8:00, so one more hour." I tell them. Jade and Luna come out wearing similar dresses but different colors. They didn't want a dress too tight on their stomach so they went with something more comfortable. "I forget. When's Aidan's bachelor party?" Luna asks.

"His is the night before the wedding but he isn't going anywhere like we are. He's just staying home to drink."

"You had yours today because...?" Jade asks.

"I don't want to be hungover on my wedding." Luna starts curling her hair while Jade pulls her into a bun.

"So, Jade, I'll be in charge of Rea, you in charge of Charlie?" Luna asks.

"Sounds good." Jade responds. "Charlie, let yourself go tonight. I'll keep you in line if you get too out of control. Like if you try sleeping with someone else." I blush and put the straightener down and turn to her.

"I don't want to cancel my wedding because I slept with someone else so please stop me."

"Charlie, trust me. I wouldn't hurt you and Aidan like that. That'd be horrible." We all nod in agreement. I pick the straightener back up and continue to straighten my hair.

"We'll get you back to Aidan tonight, okay?" Luna asks. I nod. Once we're all ready, we all sit around and wait for 8 to come around because the bar doesn't open till 8:30 and it'll take us about thirty minutes to get there. My phone starts ringing ten minutes before we're supposed to leave. "Hey." I respond, leaving the living room since the girls said no boys till midnight.

"Hey, Charlotte, have you left?" Aidan asks, worry in his voice.

"Not yet. Don't worry about me. Jade and Luna aren't drinking so we'll be fine."

"Jade and Luna can't do anything when they're seven-eight months pregnant." He responds.

"If anything happens, we'll call you."

"Aidan! Charlie! We know you're talking! Get off the phone!" Luna calls from the living room. I chuckle.


"Aidan, I'll see you later, okay? I love you."

"I love you, too. Please be careful."

"I will." I hang up and go back to the living room. Rea's helping Luna up while Jade's struggling. I hold out my hand and she grabs it, pulling herself up. She mutters a thanks and we get into Luna's car to go to the bar. "Aidan's worried about me. If he calls/texts any of you, will you please respond? Just tell him I'm fine."

"Of course, Charlie." Rea says.

We walk inside and go sit down at a table and order drinks.

*11:30 pm*

I down another drink and turn to Luna and Jade. "You know, guys, I'm honestly jealous of you. You're both pregnant, you're both technically sisters, and you've been with your fiancee/spouse for years. I've only been with Aidan for little while and we're engaged but what if he's not happy?" I ask, ordering another drink. Rea comes back and sits next to us, out of breath from dancing.

"Charlie, Aidan's so happy with you. He waited five years for you. He changed for you. He loves you so much." Luna says, squeezing my hand. I drink my drink in just a few gulps.

"He always seems so happy with me but what if he actually isn't? What if he pretends because he just, I don't know, just wants my body?"

"Aidan isn't after just your body." Jade says. I go to take another drink but she takes it away from me. "No, you're drunk enough. You're not going to remember any of this." I sigh and nod, getting out of the booth.

"I'm going to go dance. Rea, want to come?" I ask but she shakes her head.

"Maybe in a few. I'll finish this and then come." I nod and go to the dance floor.

~Jade's POV~

"Why does she feel that way? Aidan's never been anything but affectionate." Luna asks, confused, watching her disappear into the crowd of dancing.

"He's even affectionate when he wants sex." I respond. I feel the baby kick and sigh, placing my hand on top of her. "I don't understand. Should we tell Aidan about this?" Rea asks. She turns to me and places her hand next to mine on my stomach.

"He should probably know since we know Charlie won't tell him." Luna says. Rea and I nod in agreement and look back up to find Charlie. I finally catch sight of her red dress and notice how close she is to a complete stranger. "Shit." I mutter. "She's with a guy." Rea gets out and we push our way over, grabbing Charlie.

"Sorry. She's taken. Go away." I tell him. He rolls his eyes and walks away. "Come on, Charlie. Let's take you home to Aidan."

~Aidan's POV~

Sitting in the living room, waiting for Charlotte, watching the TV but not really listening, is making me slightly anxious. "Aidan, go to sleep. You need to sleep." Anna says, going into her room with a glass of water.

"I will soon. Good night, Anna."

"Good night, Aidan." I take a blanket from the hall closet and lay down on the couch so I can watch the front door. I look at my phone to make sure I haven't gotten any phone calls or texts. I sigh and put my arm under my head and face the TV again.

I jump up when I hear a knock on the front door. Rea, Jade, and Luna are standing there with Charlotte leaning against Rea. "Thank god." I mutter, wrapping her up in my arms and hugging her tightly. Jade clears her throat and I look up, noticing she wants to stay something but then realize it must be about Charlotte. I let them in and pick Charlotte up and take her to our room and lay her down on the bed. I go back out to the living room and Luna tells me what happens at the bar, making me feel hurt and horrible.

"Thanks for telling me." I tell them, pushing my hands through my hair. Luna squeezes my arm and smiles.

"We know you two can fix this. Just don't let her know that we told you or she might kill us." I nod and they leave after saying goodbye and I go back to our bedroom with a bowl, setting it next to her, a water bottle and medicine, placing them on the bedside table. She sits up and looks at me. "Charlotte, go to sleep." I tell her, kissing her forehead, but she shakes her head and gets up, wrapping her arms around my neck. She kisses me passionately before jumping up and wrapping her legs around my waist. "Charlotte..." I groan and pull away. "I love you so much. I want this so much...but if you feel like this is the only reason I love you then..."

"Aidan...I'm drunk and won't remember any of that tomorrow so...come on." She tries kissing me again, which I take a couple of times before pulling away again.

"I'll remember and I want you to know that I love everything about you...I love your body, yes, but I also love your brain. I love your heart. I love your love...I love everything about you. I'll tell you this again tomorrow and the next day and the next and the next and the-" She kisses me again but softly.

"I know all that what about sex?" I sigh and chuckle.

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