Chapter 6

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~Charlotte's POV~

I feel something soft and warm laying next to me. I go to stretch but my hand connects with something soft. I open my eyes to see my hand laying in Aidan's hair. I quickly remove my hand and try to move away but Aidan's arms are wrapped around my back, keeping me close to his chest. I feel myself blush when I look at his chest, which is uncovered because his shirt is unbuttoned. I look back up at his face. His hair is sticking up everywhere and his mouth is open a bit causing him to drool a bit.

I force myself to close my eyes and calm my breathing and my heart.

He's soooooo hot!, my heart seems to say but my brain seems embarrassed and nervous.

Aidan groans and shifts, pulling my shirt up. I blush even harder and put my hands on his chest and push as hard as I can. I push myself off the seat and groan when my back comes in contacts with something hard on the floor. I didn't even realize we were laying on the back seats.

"Charlotte, are you okay?" Aidan asks, sitting up on one elbow and rubbing his eyes with his other hand.

"Uh, yeah." I blush from embarrassment and climb up to the passenger seat. "...What time are they going to come?"

"I need to call them again." He yawns and climbs up to the driver's seat. I grab my phone and try to turn it on but it's dead and so is Aidan's. "Shit." He mumbles.

"Charge yours first. You need it more than I need mine." He nods, turns to the car on and plugs his phone in. He turns the heat on. He tried to pull out of the ditch but the car doesn't move.

"You're a heavy sleeper." He says, probably trying to break the silence. I blush.

"Not usually. I usually wake up at the quietest sound." I turn to look at him but regret him. He still looks cute even though he just woke up. His hair is smoothed back a little but not much. He catches me staring and smirks.

"Are you going to take back what you said yesterday about me liking you?" I blush even harder, look away, shaking my head.

"Please, Aidan, I asked you to forget about it." He nods, his smirk disappearing. His phone turns on and he dials the number.

"They don't open for another hour but they said they would get someone to come help us as soon as possible since we've been waiting forever."


"I'm sure my aunt will have some kind of food when we get there so we won't starve." I nod and then I feel his gaze on me. I feel myself blush and turn to look at him. "Charlotte, can I try?" I look at him with a lot of confusion.

"What do you mean?" He smiles, shyly, which is extremely adorable.

"I mean- I can't just pretend I don't like you so can I try to win your heart?" I blush and look away from him.

"It probably won't work. My...heart is locked in a chamber...and the key has been lost for a long time."

"...Please. Let me try."

"...I guess there is no harm in you trying."

But there is! You might fall in love and you'll be hurt all over again!, my brain screams.

You can't just take back your answer! Look how happy he is!, my heart says.

I turn to look at him and his dark brown eyes are shining and sparkling. I've never seen anyone smile like he is. His perfect white teeth are sparkly like fresh snow.

The people pull Aidan's car out of the ditch and Aidan pays them with what money he has, which is all of it. Aidan calls his aunt to tell her we're almost there. "Can I borrow your phone so I can call my dad?" I ask him when he hangs up. He nods and gives me his phone, already unlocked. I dial my dad's number and he picks up as soon as it starts ringing.

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