Chapter 18

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I put my coat and shoes on after getting dressed and go outside. I see Aidan outside, smoking a cigarette and sunglasses laying over his eyes. I grab the mail from the mailbox and look over at Aidan just as he goes back inside. Why am I so tempted to forgive him? He hurt me, yet I...want to run into his arms. Why?

I sigh and go back inside. "Rea? Are you awake yet?" I ask, walking back into my room but she's not there. Then I hear the water running in the shower. I nod and go back to the living room and continue packing the stuff Dad and Jeanine didn't finish.

"Good morning! Do you need anymore help?" Rea asks from behind me.

"Not in here but I still have to do the kitchen and bathroom."

"You want to start on the kitchen since it'll take longer?" I nod and we start packing the dishes and silverware.

"...I saw Aidan this morning."

"Really? What'd you do?"

"I was getting my mail and he was outside smoking. But when I saw him, I was so tempted to forgive him. I wanted to run into his arms and stay there. He hurt me so much so why do I want to still be with him?"

" fell in love with him, Charlie."

"What? But that's not possible. We weren't even seeing each other for that long."

"Charlie, I know love when I see it. I see it all the time between Henry and Luna and even between Jade and Lewis." I stiffen and turn to look at her.

"You know?!"

"Of course I do. I see the way they look at each other. I also see the 'secret' gazes they share when they think no ones looking. And when we're all together and they sit next to each so they can hold hands. How do you know?"

"I caught them kissing at the school."

"Awww! How cute did they look?"

"I think they're as cute as Luna and Henry."

"Do you know long they've been together?"

"Exactly a week after Luna and Henry."

"Three years?!" I nod. "Oh my god! When do they plan on telling everyone?" I shrug.

"Jade said soon but I haven't talked to Lewis. But when they tell you, you have to act surprised...I don't want them to think they can't trust me."

"Why would they think that?"

"Because it'll look like I told you when I didn't."

"You're right." Rea's phone starts buzzing and she looks down at it. "It's my mom. I'll be right back." I nod and she goes to the other room. I finish putting the rest of the dishes and silverware in the box. I label the box kitchen so we'll know where it belongs. I see Aidan and Anna outside as I grab a cookie.

I miss him and we were only dating for a short while.

I can't miss him! He cheated on me!

If I don't miss him, then why am I always thinking about him?

It doesn't matter! I'm leaving and all will be back-

"Charlie, I have to go. My mom's coming home and we're having a family day." Rea brings me out of my conversation with myself.

"Okay...Have fun!" I say, trying to be positive. She hugs me.

"You don't have to try to be positive. I know you're still upset. We'll come over before you leave tomorrow."

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