Chapter 25

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Waking up, I find myself alone in bed. Then I hear people talking and laughing in the other room. I yawn and stand up, stretching. I leave my room and walk into the kitchen where Dad, Jeanine, and Aidan eating. "Good morning, honey." Dad says, standing up to hug me.

"You could've woke us up when you got here, you know." Jeanine says, hugging me.

"It was late and we were tired." I tell them, sitting next to Aidan. I pour myself some orange juice and put a pancake on my plate. I grab the strawberry syrup and I notice Jeanine smile wider.

"Is that..." She grabs my left hand. "It is, isn't it!" She exclaims. I smile.

"What?" Dad asks, confused. Jeanine shows him my hand and he smiles. "You're engaged?!" He asks, shocked but happy.

"That's another reason we came." I tell them.

"Congratulations!" They both say, hugging me again. Jeanine hugs Aidan while Dad just shakes his hand. "When did this happen?" Jeanine asks.

"Last week. The day I opened my cafe."


"The park. Aidan had a really nice place planned but I, uh..."

"She assumed I was cheating on her because I was getting help with it from her employee. So, cancelled the reservations and we went to the park, instead."

"Didn't you cheat on Charlie the first time you were together?" Dad asks, causing me to choke on my orange juice.

"Dad!" I exclaim. Dad shrugs his shoulders and starts to say something.

"Andy, they're happy. Forget about that. It was five years ago." Jeanine says, squeezing his shoulder. He sighs and nods.

"I'm happy for you, I just don't want it to happen again." I notice a slight glare towards Aidan from Dad and I sigh.

"I've regretted that day for a long time but Charlotte's forgiven me, whether I deserved it or not. But I'm never going to do that again." Aidan responds.

"Alright, alright. I'll leave it. I'll leave it." Dad says after a moment of silence.

"Thanks, Dad." I say, setting down my orange juice. "So, what are we doing on Sunday?"

"Well, my brother and his family are coming over and then we have a couple of our friends coming. I'm going to start cooking things tomorrow and your dad is getting the Easter egg hunt ready for the younger children." Jeanine says.

"We can help with whatever." I volunteer, Aidan agreeing.

As I start to do the dishes after breakfast, Jeanine sends me away, saying I'm the guest. I shrug and go to my room to get clothes to change into. I open the door to find Aidan taking off his shirt and grabbing another. I smile and blush slightly. No matter how many times I see him without a shirt, I still get slightly embarrassed. He smiles and walks over to me, still not wearing his shirt. "You're so cute when you're blushing." He goes to kiss me but I put a hand over my mouth and shake my head.

"Nope! It's only Saturday." He groans.

"You just wait. You don't understand what you're doing to me right now."

"Aidan, you know, the weekend isn't over until Monday at 12:00 am." He rolls his eyes.

"I don't enjoy this."

"Aidan, put your shirt on." I tell him. He looks down at the shirt in his hand and then back at me.

"Nah. I'm fine. Is it bothering you?" I scoff and open my suitcase, grabbing clothes. I take my pajamas off and turn back to him to see him groan and turn away. "Charlotte..." He sighs.

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