Chapter 20

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*Five Years Later*

"Charlie, hurry up!" Rea laughs. I smile and pull my high heels on.

"You all know I can't do high heels!" I complain.

"Get over it. It's Luna's big day and she wanted us all to be around her height." I roll my eyes and grab my bouquet.

"Where is Luna? Shouldn't she be here?" Jade asks.

"I'm here! I'm here!" We all three turn to see Luna hurrying down the hall with Lorraine following.

"Luna, calm down. You'll trip." I tell her, laughing slightly.

"Sorry, I'm late. We had an issue with the flower girl."

"Well, you're here now." Rea says, fixing her hair while I fix her dress.

"You look like a princess." I tell her and she blushes.

"Are you guys ready?" Luna's dad asks. We all nod and get into position.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest announces. I feel a few tears fall down my face when Henry pulls Luna closer and kisses her and then they both blush. They pull away as everyone starts clapping. Luna turns to look at us and smiles widely.

I sit back into my chair and watch Luna and Henry dance. "They're perfect together." I say to Rea, Jade, Lewis, and Lindy, Rea's girlfriend.

"They really are..." Rea says, happily. "Come on, Lindy, let's dance." She says, pulling her girlfriend up and taking her to the dance floor. Jade and Lewis turn to me.

"Will you be okay by yourself? We want to dance." I nod, smiling.

"Go ahead. I'm fine. I have...whatever this is." I respond, motioning to the drink that someone gave me. They smile and get up.

I get through two drinks before standing up and stumbling into the bathroom. I'm such a lightweight.

When I open the bathroom door to leave, I accidentally hit someone. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I ask, worriedly. The person chuckles and looks up at me, holding his head where I hit him. "Aidan? Is that you?" He laughs and nods.

"It's only been five years, Charlotte. Did you forget what I looked like?" I laugh and shake my head. "Did you not see me at the wedding?" I shake my head, still laughing a bit. "Uh, Charlotte, are you okay?"

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be? My best friend just got married." I exclaim. He smiles.

"But you're swaying and you're laughing quite a bit. Are you...drunk?"

"Pfffft! No! I don't get drunk!" I lied, knowing I was a bit drunk.


"Aidan, I'm fine." Someone passes us with a tray of alcoholic beverages. I grab two and hand one to Aidan. "Drink with me?" He hesitates before taking it. "Where's Anna?" I ask.

"Linda picked her up after the ceremony so she couldn't come to the reception."

"I went to my old house the other day and I noticed your house was for sale." He laughs and takes a drink of his drink.

"Yeah...I moved into an apartment so I could afford it with my own money. I noticed the little shop by the park is no longer for sale. Is that your doing?" I smile and nod, moving a strand of my hair before taking a drink.

"I bought it and I'm working on fixing it. I've-"

"Excuse me." Someone says, trying to get into the bathroom. I apologize and move out of the way.

"Let's go sit down. We're in the way." Aidan says, taking my arm and sitting at one of the tables.

"Anyway...wait! What were we talking about?" I ask, confused. Aidan laughs.

"You're a lightweight, aren't you?" I blush and nod. "Right. We were talking about your coffee shop." I nod and search my brain to find what I had said.

"I've already ordered the furniture and decorations. I just have to paint the walls and then I'll be setting it up."

"Do you want help? I'm always available."

"I think I might take you up on that." I smile and he smiles back.

A few drinks later and now I'm just spilling words and stories out. "Last year, I accidentally got drunk with a few college friends and almost hooked up wth someone but for some reason you popped into my brain and I'm like 'Nope! Never mind!' I was so hungover the next morning!" I exclaim. Aidan nods and smiles, taking the drink out of my hands.

"I think you've had enough, Charlotte."

"Puh-lease!" I complain. "I deserve this. I'm so lonely! All of my friends have a significant other and I don't!" Aidan grabs my arms and pull me up.

"Hey, Charlotte," He says calmly. "I'm going to take you home, okay?" I shake my head. "Where are you living?"

"I've been staying with Rea and Lindy because I can't find a place." I stumble out.

"Is it okay if I take you to my place? I'll take care of you." I nod and then I start swaying. "Okay. Sit down and," He grabs a water from a table and hands it to me. "Drink this. I'll be right back." I nod and take the water while he walks over to Rea and Lindy. He says something and they nod, looking over at me and smile.

Aidan sets me down when we get inside his apartment. "This place is adorable." I tell him, looking around. I turn to him and smile. I look into his eyes and remember all of the great memories we had together. I wrap my arms around his neck and push my mouth against his. He's shocked at first but kisses me back, sneaking his arms around my waist. I jump up and wrap my legs around his body and pull away before kissing down his neck.

"Charlotte..." He groans, trying to push me away. I smirk and go back to his lips. He pulls away and moves his head away from me. "Charlotte, not today..." He says. I frown and untangle myself from him.

"You mean- you don't want me?" He shakes his head and grabs my hands with his.

"No, no, I do. I really do but you're drunk and you won't remember any of this tomorrow. And when it happens, I want both of us to remember, okay?" I nod. "Let's get you to bed." I nod and he lays me down in his bed before giving me one of his pajama shirts for me to change into. He walks out while I take my dress off and put his shirt on, getting back into his bed. "Aidan?" I call. He walks back in. "Will you at least sleep in your bed with me? Or do you want to wait for when I'm not drunk?" I ask, smirking. He smiles and shakes his head, getting into bed next to me.

I put my head on his bare chest and my arm across his stomach. His arm wraps around my shoulders and his other goes to the back of his head. "Goodnight, Charlotte."

"Goodnight, Aidan."

Bad Boy + Good Girl = ?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα