Chapter 26

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My phone starts ringing as I finish getting ready. Jade? "Hey, Jade, what's up?" I ask, slightly worried.

"Happy Easter, Charlie.." She says but doesn't sound very happy.

"Jade, is something wrong?" I hear a small sob slip past her lips.

"Charlie, when are you going to be home?"

"Um, probably not until around 2:30 but I can be back earlier. Is Lewis okay?"

"He's fine but-but I'm not."

"What happened?"

"I took a pregnancy test earlier and...and it's positive..."

"You're not happy about it?" I ask, slowly.

"I would be but I haven't told Lewis..."

"You're going to tell him, right?"

"I panicked when I found out and packed a bag. Now, here, I am. At a hotel, crying in the lobby because I don't have money to get a room and-"

"Jade, calm down, okay? Everything will be okay. Just stay there and I'll come get you. Where are you?"

"I don't want to ruin Easter for you and your family."

"Jade, where are you?" I repeat.

"...Holiday Inn..."

"I'll come get you. Don't move."

"But, Charlie, you're six hours away..." I sigh and nod.

"You're right." I pause to think. "Aidan can come get you? I'll meet you guys at his aunt's."

"Wait- Aidan isn't with you?"

"I'll tell you about it later. I'll call Aidan." I hang up and grab my things, dialing Aidan's number. "Hey, Dad, Jeanine. There's an emergency. I have to go. Can I borrow one of the cars?" I ask. Jeanine nods and goes to get the keys while Dad says his goodbye, hugging me. Jeanine hugs me and I leave.

"Hey, Charlotte, what's up?"

"Can you go pick Jade up at Holiday Inn? She's only about an hour from you. I'll meet you at your aunt's. Please."

"Yeah, yeah, of course. But what's wrong?"

"I'll tell you later. Love you. Drive safe." I hang up before he can say anything else and throw my stuff into the car.

~Jade's POV~

I slide down onto one of the couches while I wait for Aidan to show up. My phone starts ringing for the sixth time from Lewis. I haven't been able to bring myself to hit accept or ignore. I just let it ring. I sigh and look down at my stomach. This is my fault... I should've talked to him instead of leaving while he was out getting something for his mom's Easter. I told him to go ahead because I wanted to take the test but now he's going to be worried sick.

"Jade?" I look up to find Aidan. "Ready?" I nod and go to grab my bag but Aidan grabs it instead. "I got it. Come on."

"Thanks, Aidan." I tell him when we get in the car.

"No problem. Charlotte called me, freaking out and worried. She'll meet us at my aunt's." I nod and feel my phone start vibrating and hear it start to ring again. It goes on for a couple more seconds. "...Are you going to get that?" I shake my head.

"It's Lewis."

"...Did something happen between you two?"

"Charlie didn't tell you?" He shakes his head.

Bad Boy + Good Girl = ?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora